Lost my 2 Rocks this morning


Dec 27, 2016
Harris County Georgia
Big Ginny, woke us up this morning being louder than normal, and I ran out there and my 2 young Rocks were gone. not a lot blood but feathers another bigger piece of feather's attached to a little skin.
. there are no dig marks around the chain like kennel, and i had that somewhat protected, until i could get them into their new coop, I'm thinking snake, but how did he get 2 chickens at once? the blood was fresh, so i figured it was just before dawn.

Any guesses, ideas, thoughts...anything is welcome.!
Were the birds gone-gone, like nowhere in sight, or still in kennel?

Coon could have got under tarp/shade cloth...or reached thru chainlink.
Weasel could have gone right thru chainlink.

Either way, you probably scared them off before they could feed.
that sad hope you find what did this. set up game cam if u have chickens left it will be back for other ones.
Ok guys and gals I got my new coop up..10 hrs yesterday and will be about 5 hrs today. I put a baby monitor inside so I can hear anything that goes on, as well as a motion sensor light. Trying to locate a game can. I'm putting about 10in of boards up the side of the run as well as 2 inches above that hardware mesh. Will take pics later today and post. Also I have 2 Delaware and 2 barred rocks on hold,and will pick them up thursday! They are 5 weeks
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