Breed guess on "Americauna" chicks?

Will do :) I went back to the store, and after explaining how the birds were misidentified as Americaunas, but were actually bantams, they offered me three free birds to compensate. I chose to Brahmas, lol, because even I, a chicken newbie, can identify those as chicks. Two have pasty butt, but they're all alert, eating and drinking. Now the waiting game to see who's a pullet, who's a roo.
They had seven bins of birds there, and had just stuck the Brahmas in with the Americaunas (aka Bantams) and the Plymouth Rocks. I saw some that might be Easter Eggers based on the chick's colorations, but I didn't want to take any chances and get more random birds (though I love my mixed up chicks) so I got ones that looked like light brahmas, but they're coloring up
pretty dark. Someday I'll get my Easter Eggers, :). I guess the moral of the story is you never know what you're going to get unless you go direct to the hatchery. I'll post more pics soon, they're really feathering up beautifully.
They had seven bins of birds there, and had just stuck the Brahmas in with the Americaunas (aka Bantams) and the Plymouth Rocks. I saw some that might be Easter Eggers based on the chick's colorations, but I didn't want to take any chances and get more random birds (though I love my mixed up chicks) so I got ones that looked like light brahmas, but they're coloring up
pretty dark. Someday I'll get my Easter Eggers, :). I guess the moral of the story is you never know what you're going to get unless you go direct to the hatchery. I'll post more pics soon, they're really feathering up beautifully.

I speak from experience that hatcheries get it wrong sometimes. I voulenteered at a nearby store that purchased chicks from a hatchery. They ordered about 5 RIR and 10 Austrailorps. I noticed that the Austrailorps had lighter feet and a lot more white than usual. I notified the store owner but she explained that some Austrailorps have lighter down and feet. Well, I bought one and she turned out to be a Mincora. I actually told the store owner that they looked like White Faced Black Spanish but still, if you're expecting a calm Austrailorp there's no way you're prepared your a Hudini of a Mincora. That bird is insane.
So far everyone's doing great. Two of the Brahmas had runny poop but they're cleared up now. It's funny, they were all a light yellow with gray backs when I got them, but now they look so different, even from each other!

Chick 1- Has dark feathering starting on her feet.

Chick 2- light feet feathering.

Chick 3- light feet feathering.

I have to say, these guys, along with my barred rock duo, are fearless, adventurous, and hunker down and go to sleep while being held.
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