Fun chat

Well, all l know is that you have to get them to like you enough to follow you, or train them to. Then you pretty much have to get them used to carrying a pack, next step is to get them where adjusting to carrying a pack over any terrain is easy, then go hiking. l don't know the specifics as l have never even had goats, this is just what l've heard. And l'm guessing on how to train them.
Sounds like the right way to do it
Thanks. Sorry it took so long to write back, we got flooded and l've been busy. We got 3 bantams Saturday(that was when we flooded, but we got them when we got the flooding under control). We got a buff Brahma, a self blue old english game, and a black silkie!
So the lowest part of the house is two steps lower, it had gotten high enough to soak the carpet throughout the rest of the house.

Yes, they are chicks. So adorable

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