Help...roo or lady


Nov 13, 2016
I have this beautiful bird I've hand raised since a chick. It is very much not revealing anything. Pepper is 6 months old. We lost pepper's 2 chick mates to a dog attack and I nursed her please be a her back to health from a laceration on her leg. She now has 2 new friends who were both bought as point of lay 3 months ago. 1 started laying today the other started crowing. We now have 2 rooster which our yard is big enough for both but not really any what does everyone think roo or lady?

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He will be our third rooster. One is a silkie the other looks exactly like him only black and white instead of white and black. Pepper is super friendly. And Salty the other rooster is super shy and quiet. Our silkie rules the roost

But pepper has no tail. He never has. Always had a bare bum just fluff. His tail feathers are about 2 inches long
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