My First Turkey Egg to Hatch Soon! :)


7 Years
Apr 13, 2017
I have a Royal Palm turkey egg that is on it's last two-three days of incubation. Tonight it is on day 26. It's the only egg that's going to be hatching this Thursday, or possibly later according to what I've read. Tonight the humidty was looking a little low, so I decided to check and see if it had it's beak in the air cell yet at the same time (I know that the incubator shouldn't be opened, but it was very quick and I had a water bottle to spray water in as I opened it.) Anyways, it looks like the beak is in the air cell, and when I put my ear close to the shell I could hear chirping. (That is normal, right?) It was the most amazing thing. I watched it grow, and now it's a little poult. Now I just have to wait for it hatch.

I also have four more RP eggs that will be hatching on May 2nd. They're currently on day 21. I just candled all four and they're all growing, so yay.
The first external pip was Wednesday at 4pm. On Thursday night around 3pm it began to make a little bigger hole. Then it rested some more and at 10pm it made some slow progress until 11pm, and then things went very quick from there. It zipped around the egg about 1/4 of the way, and then just began to push itself out of the egg. All the while chirping and making itself heard. As of now it's completely dry and beginning to find its legs.

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