lesbian chickens?

I think its time to post a picture of this bird to let the BYC experts see if its a boy or a girl
We have a couple of pullets who came from the same farm and have seemed to be a couple from the get-go. Both clearly hens, nigh-inseparable.

The one on our left is giving the new cockerel a hell of a time, to the point of viciously chasing him off if he so much as looks at either of 'em - she kind of fits the archetype of angry lesbian. Also last longer in mounting each other than the cockerel does. I guess some traits are universal.

Normal behavior. Wouldn't worry about it.
OMG, I just saw my banty hen and one of my americauna hens doing the nasty. My banty was completely laid over on her side and the other girl had her beak in her business. I just said no. I don't care how much you think you need a man, you can't do your business right here on my front porch. Go to your own house and let's not put our dirty laundry out in the public.

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