What are some plants for my pheasant pen?


Simply Stated
10 Years
Feb 3, 2009
Hope Mills, NC
I know that pheasants need brush and stuff. I was going to do four o clocks. They grow back year after year, get big and provide shade and cover, BUT when I researched, they are toxic to birds, BIG NONO NO FOUR O CLOCKS!

Sooooo.... I could get some small trees from the wood lines, maybe even a few hollys. I was also thinking Impatiens. They aren't toxic and grow well here.

Any opinions on what I should get. I would just get stuff from our woods, but since I can't identify it all, I'm a bit worried. I was thinking of grabbing some small sweet gum trees, and maybe get some of the groundcover to grow in there. I am open to suggestions. The pen is 20x20.
What kind of pheasants are you getting? Don't waste time or money on plants, They never stay in a pheasant pen. It just becomes dirt,Brush such as sticks and things for them to hide in/under are great. Christmas trees work great as well. (dead ones)
There are 3 eggs that were fertile. They are due to hatch friday. I will be looking for more of them, had 6 eggs, but you know how that goes. Hoping for 3 hatches. The pen is 20x20x6 and there is a shelter in it that is 7x6
I put wild blueberry, briarberry, juniper and laurel in mine and they are doing fine. It seems if the plants are large enough they will do fine, at least mine did. I just try to get what I can find for cheap/free. In PA a lot of nurseries put stuff on sale late in the season, you can find grasses and shrubs for up to 75% off.
Also you can keep the plant in the pot, and place that in the ground. If it starts looking ragged, change it out by pulling it up, pot and all. Then you can place it somewhere to recover and be switched back.....
I have sage brush in mine, but then again I don't live on the east coast. ANother plant that works well is Lilacs. If you can get the ones that are already a couple feet tall, and put a wire screen around them until they get going, they will do much better. Burning bush, willows and cottonwoods all do well. I planted some Austrian pines, but they didn't make it. Cottonwoods are nice because they grow fast, and you can just trim them up. Soon, alot of different pheasant species will roost in them. They also tend to survive peacocks which is amazing.
I'm wondering about lilac bushes to put in my pens and what kind of dead Christmas trees are safe
High bush cranberry, hawthorn, rosa rugosa, currant bushes, raspberry, blackberry, blueberry, dwarf pines, and giant sunflowers are usually pretty good choices. Stay away from Yew, iris, wisteria, foxglove, lupine, monkshood, and honeysuckle (the invasive bush not the vine). Ornamental grasses also seem to be popular but keep in mind if these are present you'll almost never see the birds.

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