southern california sources for baby chicks ???

I got my silkies from a local private party. I have yet to see silkies in the feed stores around town. Sometimes I have seen private parties advertise silkies on Craig's List ... you could maybe post a "Wanted: Black Silkies" on Craigs List.

Good Luck!
Yay! One of the perfect posts I have been looking for!/img/smilies/big_smile.png I live in the area and am researching how to buy chicks without having them shipped to me. 

So, does the Midway City Feed Store sell Araucanas & Ameraucanas or are they just EE's?
Yes a lot green egg layer I went there a lot buy feed baby chicks they sale 2.50 each. but really bad service I hate there but near house no choice
A little late to this post... we got our gals from Chickens Galore in Norco. He's buried in a residential (rural/farm) area, but he has a ton of different breeds of birds and varying ages just about any time of year. He's only open weeknights (after 5:00 PM?) and weekends.
We got 5 different breeds.

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