southern california sources for baby chicks ???

Yeah I've been in to see them, (they are only about 2 1/2 miles from my house), as well as Wagontrain, up the hill from them.
We ended up getting a bunch of chicks from Midway City feed.
I've been checking out all the local feed stores for chicks, and have found that very few actually carry live chicks, and the ones that do, are just starting to get them in. over the next few weeks more of the feed stores will begin having more chicks available.

I have also spoken with a friend of mine who lives in Norco, and he says they are readily available as well as a lady who lives down the street from him is a breeder, and he is going to check what her hatching schedual is.

Right now we have a Buff O, RI Red, Australorps, Barred Plymouth Rock, and 2 Araucana's.
Looking to find a Silver Laced Wydonnette, a Delaware, and a couple of different Polish Crested's, (my daughter calls them "Duster Heads" LOL!)
Wagon Train or Foothill Feed ... Orange, CA ....
I frequent both, but for chicks I prefer the Wagon Train at Chapman and Newport she gets chicks in every Friday and they are always clean and healthy. Frankly, the living conditions at Foothill Feed are less than stellar for the chicks. I worry about their overall health unless you pick them up the day their order comes in. I've been there when the water was disgusting and too many chicks that were getting 'bigger' crammed into a cage. Also, at times they are local chicks and not necessarily vaccinated. I do buy supplies by the pound and 50 lbs bags of scratch or feed at Foothill Feed on occassion. Another source for 50 lb bags of feed is up Chapman a few block more at the Hitch N Post at Chapman and Rancho Santiago ... I probably buy feed here most often. Very nice store and very clean.
Sounds like we are pracically next door neihbors. I'm near Collins and Tustin.
I've been to all of those, and would agree with your descriptions.
Will be going today for another bag of feed.
Yup neighbors! In Villa Park ... near Katella and Wanda
Yay! One of the perfect posts I have been looking for!
I live in the area and am researching how to buy chicks without having them shipped to me.
So, does the Midway City Feed Store sell Araucanas & Ameraucanas or are they just EE's?
Depends on who you ask.

Midway says Araucana
BYC says EE

My two birds have slate colored legs, so you decide.
either way, they are beautiful birds, and I'm not complaining.
should be getting my first eggs in about a month.
Where can I find Red Star chickens? I called Midway City and they said they only have Rhode Island Reds. Also where do I find Black Silkies?
If you are interested in Barred Rocks, New Hampshire Reds, Easter Eggers (what they are calling Americaunas) or Giant Cochins there is a hatchery in Antelope Acres out on 90th St East near Avenue E. They are in Northern LA County just north of Lancaster. They also have ducks and turkeys for sale also if you are interested. They sell chicks from week olds and up.

Their email address is:
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