Ever think of hydroponics or aquaponics?

Aquaponics works great. We have successfully run both meat birds as well as rabbits on our aquaponic produce at our organic research farm in lLewiston, South Australia and have successfuly almost eradicated 98% scours and Coccidia issues and developed SPF1 rabbits for home industry. Chickens do very well on aquaponic produce and organic mixed grains and we obtained 5 kg birds in 8.5 weeks and 2 kg rabbits in 43 days. more information is available at www.1AQUAPONICS.com.au for fish and veg production as well as other information etc.

Andrew Dezsery M.Sc
International Specialised Skills Institute Fellow
AUSVEG 2010 Finalist
I wonder if there are any alternatives that we can use other than fish pellets for feeding the fish in the aquaponic system since we have the chickens? Any ideas?
Yall should look into making organic "tea" for your systems. Most include bat guano and you boil the ingredients like a tea, hence the name hehe. DIY systems are much easier and waaaaaay cheaper. Ill post more information this evening on building systems.

What are yall using for a light source? MH for the beginning stages and HPS to make your veggies/plants flourish!! But using artificial light can run up the electricity bill, but still cheaper than buying from stores. Also, there are methods that use organic soil and hydroponics combined. (I have yet to try...) Something where you have a burlap sack with the soil in it, once plant has a decent root system you'll cut a hole for the main stem which acts as a straw, giving the plant more access to nutrients.
We plan on putting up a sizely, well-insulated green house right off of our own house for year-round aqua/hydroponics. We want to grow some commonly-used veggies (spinach, tomatoes, lettuce, etc) for ourselves as well as lettuces and such for the chickens through the winter (in addition to sprouting fodder).

Great way to get fresh greens to chickens year round, especially when during the free-range season their primary diet is what they scrounge up and ignore their bagged feed for anyway lol.

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