Will Human Urine deter a fox???

HaHaHa! I got a kick outa the thought of everyone peeing around--marking their territory!!! hehehehe! Sorry. One of my favorite parts of 'Doc Hollywood' is where the two of them run around the woods --peeing--the scare the deer from the hunter's hide in the trees!!

Ok. On a serious note. What is the natural predator of the fox?

There is a company that sells predator urine. Not kidding. The company has an online site....wait for it----LEG UP ENTERPRISES!!!!!

Hope it helps!
Four years of extensive testing at current location indicates human nor dog (intact male) urine repels red foxes. Dog urine does appear worthy of note for coyotes in part because dogs chase coyotes every chance they get. Dogs, coyotes and I do mark same areas. Repellent for fox that seems to work is to be periodically chased within inches of your life by fast dogs. That have to be retaught frequently.
We started rasing chickens about a month ago and within a week a fox came in and took 9 chicks and two rabbits over two days. the next day we went a got 8 more chicks, the fox returned even with security lights I saw it on top of the coop. We put up a motion detector so that we could go outside when it went off with pellet guns to scare it off and hopefully give it something to think about. We also peed all the way around the run and coop, it came back once, got scared off and has not come back since. It has been a week now and seems to be working, so we will keep the pee treatment going evey few weeks and see what happens.
Electric fence works. Make sure you have a good ground and tailor installation to the predator you're having problems with and relax.
I have had my husband urinate into a bucket and I use a 50ml syringe and spray it around my coop and surroundings I have not seen a fox for 6 months also through all the dog poop over the fence as they free range seems to have worked as we lost 2 chickens when we first came here and none since

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