Mule Ducks!!


This is a mule duck, I know he looks full blood Muscovy, but his egg was the only surviving egg on a nest of only 2 eggs.
His mom was accidentally killed when 2 baby goats crushed her while she was on the nest. The other egg was broken and smashed. My best friend owned the duck and it was lonely so I gave her my extra Muscovy Drake. They were the only 2 ducks in the enclosure ( 30 X 40 ft 6ft high chainlink, with 2x4 and chicken wire roof ) the only other critters in the pen were a small flock of chickens and the 2 baby goats who now have their own pen. There was no way any other duck could have snuck in and laid a pureblood egg and left, it's just not possible...
When his egg was found, it was rushed inside and placed in an incubator, he hatched on day 32 while in the incubator... He is the first mule I have seen with caruncles...he is also only 6 months old and weighs over 20 pounds!
Mom was a blue Swedish cross and dad was my pied Muscovy Drake.
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