Splash Jersey Giant X Isa Brown - 7-9 eggs...one more time!


Premium Feather Member
12 Years
Sep 25, 2007
I have one Isa Brown hen - her boyfriend is a Splash Jersey Giant rooster, and boy, does he like her! He's quite smitten with her, and follows her around like a puppy dog. He even roosts next to her and often covers her with his wing - somewhat odd rooster behavior, and she's the only one he does this with.

Anyway...this Isa Brown hen is a phenominal layer, laying 28 days straight, then taking a day or two off, and starting all over again, all through winter (in fact, she was the only hen I had that laid all through winter). The splash Giant rooster is huge - I haven't weighted or measured him, but he's a big 'un. The pullet pictured is the only progeny I have from the cross, and I just find her so cute that I thought it would be fun to offer some small batches of eggs.

Member Muggsmagee won the first auction and had a 100% hatch of blue/black/splash chicks. I sent her 9 eggs; the oldest egg was 10 days old on the mail day, she received them on the 12th day, and she set them on the 13th day and still had a 100% hatch (Go, Muggs!). Unfortunately, the last little blue chick hatched ended up dying, but these things happen!! I still think it was a fantastic hatch.

I have only one offpsring from the cross - this gal is white with black splashes, and her chest/neck are sort of a buff color. She has a nice, long back like her daddy, and.....almost nothing like her momma! I'm super excited for when she begins to lay; I'm so hoping she lays really well like her momma. Mom's eggs are quite round, and medium brown in color. The Jersey line I have lays light brown eggs, more elongated and quite large.

This is a PayPal only auction; payment must be made by 5 p.m. the day the auction ends. Eggs to be shipped out Tuesday, 4/19.

I took some recent pics of my splash Jersey boy and will post shortly. I am NOT known for my picture taking abilities....but you'll get the idea!


Here are pics of momma & daddy:




Here is the link to my last auction for these eggs, where Muggsmagee added some pics of her hatchlings: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=479372
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I saw some pictures daisy posted of these eggs..they're HUGE!

I love my Golden Buff hen. She lays the biggest dark brown eggs. They look very similar to your eggs.

If nobody bids on these...I might get them!
Golden Buff - is that the same as a "Braggs Mountain Buff"? I've been wondering about them, if so!

It should be interesting to see what my pullet lays - the Isa Brown eggs from her mom are very round, and medium brown. My Jersey Giant eggs are much more longish (regular egg shape), much lighter brown, and honkin' huge, too. So - I should think the offspring would lay, at the very least, BIG eggs! I'll be watching her closely for signs of getting close to POL, though it may be awhile yet!
I wouldn't have a clue?
I got her from a friend last summer. She is molting right now and I'm still getting an egg a day!
I really love my girl! I want to get a whole flock of them to replace my mutt flock. I love their big, golden brown eggs. So do my egg customers.

I'll try to get a picture of my girl's egg. Do you have any pictures of your eggs?

I have some of my GB eggs under a broody, but my broodies kept leaving the nest so I have no clue if they're going to hatch?
I am going to incubate some eggs for a neighbor so I think I'll set a few of her eggs for me. I always wanted to hatch a huge chick from her egg!
Wow- an egg a day even through molt! Now that's a KEEPER hen to be sure!
The dad is HUGE! (Yeah, I know Jersey GIANT) However, he is so big, he makes the mom look bantam!

My second hatch was also excellent. Lots of Splash chicks. I can not wait until these grow and lay eggs for us. I'm hoping they are similar to the eggs they hatched from...colossal, spherical baseball eggs!

If you want a terrific layer, get your butt in gear and jump on this chance to have a beautiful, huge, terrific flock of layers!
These chicks are oober sweet!
I may have to jump on these eggs, again! I've had 100% fertility on both sets of eggs...100% hatch the first batch...you can't beat the heartiness of these chicks. They are as sweet as they come and are gentle to the bantam chicks that are with them. I've hatched these eggs twice now...both sets are almost two times the size of their bator mates (Ameraucanas, EE's, OE's and BCM's).

Don't miss your chance at a steal!

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