Not so fuzzy bottoms. More like poopy bottoms.


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 10, 2011
Rocky Point NC
I have a few chicks that are having diarrhea-mayhem in the brooder. I know there is a a thread a day posted in regards to this matter, but I am a search flunky!
Should I put some Apple Cider Vinegar in the water for a day & see if that helps? If so, what is the ratio of ACV to water? Do any of you have any other tricks to help my chicks digestive system straighten out? ..... These little ones have only been here 4 days, so I suspect that the stress of moving and new environment coupled with diet change caused the upset tummies. Thanks so much for any advice!
If they have poop on their butts, you have to get it off, before they get clogged up if u know what im sayin

And the best way to do this is either a baby wipe or a wet paper towel, or if its warm enough just get their whole butt wet and use an old towel...
I take mine over to the sink and hold their bottom under a warm gentle stream of tap water and gently work it loose. Then dry it with a paper towel and put them back under the heat lamp. You need to clean it because if the vent gets blocked, it can kill them.

yup, had it happen two weeks ago with my newborn Cochin. I just took a piece of gauze and warm water and soaked it off. not sure how long she had been blocked, at least a few hours. she immediatly 'went' when i washed it off. It will only last a week or so. Keep an eye out every chance you can to make sure she doenst plug up. 4 days later mine is fine.

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