Is it okay for chickens to eat suet cakes?


10 Years
Dec 21, 2009
New Hampshire
I was in the feed store today and saw all the wild bird suet cakes and I was wondering if it was okay for my chickens to eat them.
Will it harm them at all? I bought some meal worms for them instead because I wasn't sure. They love those!

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They have a lot of less nutritional things in them that are geared towards other birds. It will not hurt them but you would be better off getting some BOSS (black oil sunflower seeds) as they are good for them and your chickens will go nuts for them.
Good question, but I am a newbie here. I know that my wild birds go crazy for the suet/seed/fruit blocks during the colder periods (which is most of the year here). The purpose of the suet is to provide fat/energy in cold weather. I am not sure if the blocks would be too "fatty" for the chickens. I guess if you fed them you would have to use moderation.
I just put one of those suet cakes in my coop. It was basically beef suet, dried berries, corn, and oats. I felt that they needed something special because we built a new run and raised the coop off the ground and though it is better for them, they were very upset! i read that chickens don't like change but, wow!, did they let me know!!! They sounded like they were growling and crying yesterday when we moved them in, although they did get the hang of the ramp right away! Today, they were better but I felt they needed a treat! Comfort food for chickens? I figured it was the equivalent of a pint of Ben & Jerry's for me!!!

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