Is it okay for chickens to eat suet cakes?

I have heard that they are good in the winter and if you are having pecking problems from them being board in the winter. Mine don's Like BOSS at all I have tried they seem to not like them they leave them and the wild birds eat them.
so I have been looking at another treat one person found a wild bird foot that had cayenne pepper in it thought that would be good to help prevent worms but can't fine one.
I feed the suet cakes in winter for extra calories when I can't get fat/meat scraps from the butcher. The chickens LOVE them.
I give the girls suet cakes occasionally for a treat too. Mostly in the winter, but sometimes in early spring or fall. I look at the protein content and make sure to get the ones with the highest protein. There's one that's made with meal worms that's 10 percent. That's the one I usually get. There's also some with sunflower seeds that are about 8 percent. Check the ones advertised for woodpeckers. Those tend to have the higher percent of protein.
I give mine suet blocks in the winter. They love them, and since I hang then in suet cages it keeps helps alleviate boredom. I make my own suet. In the summer I stuff the suet cages as full as possible with watermelon, tomatoes, kale, spinach - whatever I can cram in there.
Always looking for something new for the girls. Found suet cakes on sale at tractor supply. Hung two of them in the run and they love them! Once a week in the winter should be good. Need the extra fat.

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