Show off your house ducks!

yes DJ Quack is fine and so are all the rest of my JPs very healthy ducks and have been for 3 years

The last one is not DJ that is Charm but the first one is

Ok, busted on the Mallard. I think I had a mental block because they can fly for real so I would need an aviary and I have 3 Rouens that look the same except they are bigger and a bit brighter (plus I can go to the fairground and see 1,000,000 Mallards every day.) But the Mallard is certainly a breed that Metzer has that I won't have. I can live with that because as it stands, I don't clip any wings and most of my ducks can fly 10 feet if they want to but not fly away

The Jumbo Pekin isn't really a breed. The "normal" Pekin (at Metzer's anyway) is a large drake bred to a medium sized, good egg bearing duck which should give a good all around Pekin (suitable for meat, eggs or pets). The Jumbo Pekin is a large drake bred to a large duck with size as the only goal. This is great if you want a meat duck because you will probably have a very large duck by 7 weeks. But because they are pushing the envelope in size for Mallard-based ducks, there is a very high likelihood of heart and leg problems once they reach their full potential size - not really a problem if they are sent to freezer camp at 7 weeks old, but they would not make a good bet for a pet or even an egg duck.

Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if they stopped selling Jumbo Pekins. They are now selling Grimaud Hybrids which are still Pekins, but they sound like a healthier version of the Jumbo Pekin. They reach 8.2 lbs at 7 weeks but are still good egg bearing ducks so they would be better for a meat farm that wanted to be self sustainable.

And my house calculations:

4 runners @ 2sq ft = 8
1 Pekin @ 5sq ft = 5
1 KC @ 3sq ft = 3
9 others at 4 sq ft = 36 (Buff, Rouen, Cayuga, WH, Swedish, White Crested)

Total = 52 sq. ft.
House = 6x8' = 48 sq. ft.

So I am actually 4 sq. ft short by calculations (perfect if Kaine spends the whole summer in jail). Now I watch my flock in the house and they have lots of room to stretch out and they mostly sleep since they are only in the house at night. So I don't anticipate any problems (although it it just another reason to get working on their super quack shack.) But this summer, we will be full up!
Your way with words is amazing, Tony.

I hope Kaine does not spend any time in bird jail.

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