What did you train your chicks to do?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 17, 2012
I want to train my chickens to do stuff. Has anyone trained there chickens to do anything? Tell us about it and how u trained them to do it. Right now my baby chicks are two weeks old and i'm training them to come to me with a bell when its time to eat and drink.
Hmm, never trained them to do anything special, but I did at first have to teach them how to fly over the little fence, or they'd just stand there, pushing against it, with no clue what to do. :lol:
Teaching them how to fly over stuff, that could be very cool. I shall work on that. I can't believe how fast the grow! Thank You for taking the time to post. Right now i'm working on training my chicks to follow me around. They are the best. So good at eatting bugs out of the air, Super fast!
I just yell CHICKEN! they all come running to me because they know I have some thing to give them. Now they see me come down the road and they run to me.
My ducks and chickens know that when they see "the black bucket" that I've brought them goodies. By using the same bucket every time, I get mauled when i step into the run with it!
I also trained them to go into their coop at night using a small nightlight. When that light comes on, if they aren't already in there, they line up and go up the ramp.
How did you train them so successfully? Could u tell us some of your tricks? You trained them to poop, that would be cool to train them when to pop. There poops are getting so big as they grow. They smell. I have to clean there area twice a day to keep the smell down. Its to cold to put them outside. Thank You for all the ideas everyone!
Im training my chickens to come to me, sit on my hands, shoulders arms etc. My babies are 3 weeks old now. My goal is to have my favorite little rooster sit and go around with me on my shoulder with a little golden chain. He already sits on my shoulder and stays there as I walk around my house!

I have OEGB so they are tiny and easy to work with. They love people and so far want to be on me. I started by feeding them uncooked old fashion oats from my hand and calling them to me. "Chick chick chick" Like that, since I brought them home as day old chicks.

I plan to have all my little chickens doing all kinds of crazy things! Maybe the first ever chicken circus!!

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