What did you do in the garden today?

Happy belated birthday @MissChick@dee!

@Wee Farmer Sarah - plants are looking nice! hopefully the pole beans perk up!

As for me - the weather has warmed up, the sun is shining. Some rain in the forecast for tomorrow, then it looks like nice days! Today I did spray some liquid sevin - hate to use, but we are seeing certain bugs. Hoping that I can get away with very few applications. Also, hoping that the deep freeze this winter really impacted the bug population, and so far it seems like less than last year, but not sure if that is due to the low temps and rain, or the deep freeze of this past winter.

Those peas that have been growing and not flowering? Well, they are flowering! A nice red/burgandy with pink flowers! Too bad my spouse had started to rip some out and feed to the chickens...but it was only a few plants that were sacrificed. Now we know not to be so impatient!
:frow Thanks so much
No garden today. It rained again last night. WHAT...A...SHOCKER. (NOT)

I spent 4 hours mowing. I managed to spot some thistles in the hay field while doing so. That's a big no, no. I trudged out there in shoulder high grass with gloves and a shovel to dig them out. Dumb things.

4 foot tall all 5 of them. Canada and Scotch thistle, and one I don't know, but they all look similar and none of them are wanted in the hay.

Spent the rest of the day working on my new loom. It is now finished. The oil and wax are one and I'm waiting to let them soak in a while before I polish the wood down. (This was my birthday gift to myself this year.) I wanted another one, designed it, tracked down the hardwood, and built it. I'm quite proud of the silly things. I'll post picts after I polish it. I love the way the finishing steps bring out all the grain and burls and color! Hickory, white and red oak, yellow pine, and purple heart wood. Ya. she's pretty!
Just finished polishing


And close up of hickory grain

I planted a few days ago, no joke, multiplier potato onions that have sat in our upper kitchen cupboard for over two yrs in a paper lunch bag. Planned on replanting them last yr and forgot. None of them rotted, some of the really small ones dried up to just a ball of paper. When I opened the bag I was like dang! They are still good I think! Could slice them up and eat them. Broke up the bunches and planted them, quite a few of them have multiple onion sprouts popping up! They looked good but I wasn't sure beings even the roots dried up and fell off. Must be the longest keeping onions by far. I'll take some more pics once they all start growing, just super shocked by these little suckers.
Good morning gardeners. Got a surprise shower yesterday, so no mowing. It did clear enough to let the chickens out into the grass for an hour. The garden is doing well. I looked at the underside of my pole bean leaves and I can see little grey splotches. Not sure if it's a pest or just dirt splatter. With all the rain we have got I'm thinking it may need some fertilizer. The raised bed drains well and I don't normally fertilize beans all that much, but I'm thinking it might need a little feeding. I'm concerned about the broccoli since the temps will be in the mid 80's today, hopefully the little plants can handle the heat. The heads are developing nicely and I'm really excited to actually grow and harvest broccoli. Have a great day everyone.
G'morning gardeners.

Coop is clean, lemon tree is being watered, tomato plants are out.

I'm getting some free dirt from the neighbor down the road, will start hauling a few wheelbarrows worth each morning. I have a few areas that I need to bring up and we're in the process of building 3 lattice planters. I have an area that needs improvement to prevent standing water after heavy rain that I'm going to use for these. Will then fill the bottoms with the free dirt and improve from there. The covered garden will be for things like lettuce, carrots and herbs along with flowers to attract pollinators. Have a great day everyone

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