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Please understand, I usually try to avoid being argumentative, but I feel I can't just let this one go. This is simply not true for most of humankind. If it is true that we are closely related to apes, well, there are no mainly carnivorous apes. With a few exceptions, they are omnivores, (the few exceptions being vegetarians). Creatures evolve to fit their particular niche, and humans wandered into many different biomes with many different available food sources. They adapted to eat what was available in that particular area. Just because the Inuit historically eat a diet rich in things like whale and seal blubber doesn't mean that a person whose roots are in, say, sub-Saharan Africa could do it.

Something that low-carb advocates don't tell you, is that a lot of people simply can't live like that because their bodies weren't engineered that way. Digesting protein requires a certain amount of carbohydrate. Without it, your metabolism can get really screwed up. One of the products of only partial protein digestion is the type of ketone a breathalyzer tests for. Sometimes, you can spot people who are going low-carb simply by the fact that their breath can knock you over at 10 paces.

For those of you that this works for, I say, great! But I can tell you, it did not work for me. After my son was born, I had some real issues with yeast (among other things) and I tried to get the carbs out of my diet. I lost weight like nobodies' business in spite of eating way more food than I ever had in my life. I also had dragon breath, chronic indigestion, and no energy at all. It wasn't until I started putting the carbs back into my diet that I stopped feeling like I was wading through knee-deep water all the time. Clearly, my body requires a certain amount of carbohydrate to function. So I say, go slowly, do some research before jumping into this sort of thing whole-hog.

Basically it's all boils down to insulin resistance. Which is why some people do better with more carbs in their diets than others. One way to tell if you are insulin resistant is to see if you have any skin tags (those annoying little wart-like pieces of skin that show up and like to get caught on your clothes). People who are insulin resistant have skin tags (also people who are pre-diabetic). If they go "low carb" the skin tags stop appearing and a few people have reported that theirs went away altogether. I know for myself if I eat a bunch of processed foods (high in carbs) I feel horrible and those darn skin tabs start popping up. if I cut out all processed foods I'm fine.
The "dragon breath" is a sign of a person producing the ketones.. usually a byproduct of the atkins diet lol.. I do have an issue with that IF I go on the atkins diet.. but don't if I just avoid processed foods. For me the atkins diet was too restrictive and I did feel like crap when i was on it.. but eliminating all processed foods was the right way for me to go and my blood tests as well as my energy levels proved it.

Sourland---historically we are designed to eat a mostly meat/fish/egg diet with a few vegies on the side. Grains are a recent addition to the human diet; and refined flours became available about 120 years ago.THe modern diet is heavy on the servings of grains and carbs. THe quick and easy is, eliminate all sugars, and all grains AND reduce your carb levels to less than 100 carbs a day. If you eat mostly low starch vegies it is very easy to stay below 50 carbs a day.

I will list the link to the low carb web site where all low carb dieters are welcome. South Beach, Atkins, Protein Power, and many more. All the various low carb diet books are listed via a link on the home page upper left. Having grown up on oatmeal and captn crunch, fish sticks, etc. lc eating is a huge change. I also try to include foods from the gomes list. Like onions, berries, nuts and seeds. I like the endless recipes and the support located in the forum section. Low carb eating is a lifestyle that has greatly impacted my life for the better.

I guessed right!!
THe girls are always trying to trick us.

What a super dark orange yolk, or yolks from that NH girl ! I've never seen color that intense. What are you feeding her? LOL

I'm noticing a trend here--seems like we have all handled guns at some point in our lives if not currently.

when I feed my girls alfalfa the yolks turn that deep dark orange too!
as for guns.. we have a small armory (added three more handguns within the past year).. plus have a bunch more on the wish list!
what kind of duck eggs?

I have a pekin female and 3 males: a pekin, a black swedish and a rouen. The pekin male is gay so I'm pretty sure he's not the father but the babies are yellow, so I'm not sure what they are going to look like - I'd say probably like a leghorn cross (all white with a few darker patches) if the genetics are the same. I'll be happy to send you some free of charge if you'd like to hatch some. They really are delicious and really do grow fast.
Can't chat too much this morning, I woke up at 3:00 this morning with a screaming headache (sinus) from being outside all day yesterday. I would just like to ditto what Arielle said, we all seem to have been cut from the same cloth. I carry a gun daily, I believe in a low carb lifestyle (though I don't always resist the sugar siren) and love my birds!
Quote: I posted what works for me and Sourland asked for the details, I referred Sourland to a website for more reading. I have spent years studying nutrition in college; years of feeding livestock; ANd then have spent several years reading low carb books citing numerous studies. I'm happy to have a discussion.

As for how related we are to the apes, that is for each of us to decide; theological or geneticly. If we are related to apes we are also related to monkeys. Apes feed on grasses and shoots, not sugar and grains. Monkeys of many types are noted meat hunters. Eating 3-4 card- deck sizes of meat portions and 3-4 cups of leafy vegies a day IMO is not primarily a meat diet. Humans are ominovores.

I am not an Inuit nor have ancestors from subsahara Africa; my genes hail from sea side countries of Sweden and Italy, namely off Sardinia. FIsh, and lots of it. A year long study was done of two Eruopen men living in the NOrth, eating only meats; and they reportedly had no ill effects. WHen native Africans by ancestry are now living in the US and eating a typical AMerican diet, the obesity level and the high blood pressure rate is alarmingly higher than other groups.

Ketones are derived from fats, not proteins. Ketones and ketone breath results when the body eliminates the break down products from fats . It is used as energy in the body. THe unused ketones exit via the lungs and breathing and via the urine. THis is a natural process that the hibenating bears use every winter.It is a natural metabolic method of humans to survive the cyclicle feast and famine of pre- refigeration times. If ketones are included by the breathalizer test, then that is the fault of the machine; at this time it apparently cannot distinquish among some of the chemical compounds. For years we could only test for total cholesterol. Currently testing is much more specific, and can separate HDL and LDL's. If having ketone breath is a cross I must bare( or is it bear? lol) while trying to get my body to a healthy weight, and removing some 50 pounds of fat; then that I will do and I try not to breath on any one. THe level of dragon breath can be lessened by slowing down ketosis = eat a few more vegies.

Perhaps you also could have done a little more research though I'm sure having a baby in tow takes up much of a mother's time and energy. . Yeast is not just about going low carb, but also addressing the consumption of mushrooms and vinegar and cheeses that also contain types of yeasts. You may have had a yeast intolerance. Elimination of particular foods and see if you feel better, or not, is a simple solution to finding the foods that disagree with an individual.
A person who is feeling ill must heed these signals and make adjustments to the number of carbs and the minerals consumed. LC acts like a diuretic and much potassium is removed via the urine and needs replacing. I got severe legs cramps sometimes, not oftenm but very painful middle of the night pain, and my doctors could not tell me why. Not one of them. I figured it out for myself; by reading and learning, and paying better attention to the advice in a number of the books. Dah! THe faster I lost fat, the more potassium and calcium I needed to replace. ANd when I do have sever cramps, I take calcium, potassium and magnesioum and in 30-60 minutes--poof no cramps, no pain.

Low carb is NOT no carb. A heaping 2 cups of salad greens is only about 10 carbs; add a few mushrooms and red pepers and a tiny tomatos, at about 15 carbs. Eating the right carbs is important; eating a few chunks of watermelon or kiwi. A small handful of nuts, or sprinkle on the salad. This is NOT no carb eating.

I'm sorry you felt ill and had indigestion. THe body needs time to adjust to the new way of eating. Biochemically and the microbes in the GI. Microes also need time to change to different ones that are in the majority. For those of us with horses and ruminants, we all know that a quick change in feed quickly results in colic. THough come to think of it I don't know the term for such a sheep, other than sick. lol

In every book I have read there IS information about knowing your own body and listening to it. And usually one line or two that this diet may not be for you, but it probably is if a person meets a list of criteria.

THere are studies looking at teeth; specifically dental caries as a benchmark of health. A study was done about 1935 going from island to island counting teeth and cavities of Inuits. It was very obvious in the raw data that the Inuit populations that ate a more traditional diet had about 25% of the cavities of those islanders that had been given supplemental food from the government. For me with children--that was an Ahaa moment.

My biggest issue is that no one is telling us that INSULIN is the base cause of the strokes, heart attacks, diabetes, artheroschlerosis and MORE. ALL reversable by reducing the amount of insulin released into the blood; which means reducing the numbers of carbs that we eat. I choose to eat the low carb vegies ( v. the starchy) and not stimulate a dump of insulin which drives my blood sugars so low I fall asleep. ANd I can control my blood pressure simply by eliminating the grains, most fruit, milk, and sugars from my diet. I know my doctors like seeing a lowered blood pressure ( low normal) and to see me loosing weight. I like the solid night sleep I now get, the less fuzzy head, and the ability to say "no thank you" to dessert. I'm not sure which I like best! lol

Sorry this is a bit long. I tried to address each of your points Bunnylady. Always love to discuss health and diet.
Another thing about carbs, there are good carbs and bad carbs. Wheat flour loses 40% of its vitamin content in the first 24 hours after being ground, which is why the so-called whole wheat (mass-produced) bread you buy is really no better than white bread. Bread made from home-ground wheat has a tremendous amount of nutrition as well as fiber. Eating white flour is about like eating glue. I have been on an extremely low-carb diet and lost all of the weight I needed to, but it really messed up my system. My sister has tried it, too, resulting in high cholesterol. I think it's a matter of balance.
Yeay---- sold 3 turkey poults yesterday !! One destined for dinner and two as pets. Of course, 2 poults hatched this morning.

Boys already took the 3 duckllings out for a swim in the converted kids sandbox. THey love playing with those ducks everyday.

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