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One of my best pets/friends was a pekin duckling that I spent the summer of my third year with. I have been a freak for feathered creatures ever since - that's a long time folks.
Arielle, more about the diet, please. I do know that if I go low carb, I generally feel somewhat better. I'm thinking that food from the nightshade family also causes some of the aches and pains. No way am I giving up my tomatoes.

Thanks for the 'welcome.'

Milk is what sets me off, my arthritis goes nuts when I let any pass my lips.
Boys already took the 3 duckllings out for a swim in the converted kids sandbox. THey love playing with those ducks everyday.

I hope you'll share pics. If I keep hanging around here, I think I will end up with ducklings, too.

Wisher, sorry about your headache. Sinus ones can be as bad as migraines sometimes. Have you tried the Neti pot?
I have a pekin female and 3 males: a pekin, a black swedish and a rouen. The pekin male is gay so I'm pretty sure he's not the father but the babies are yellow, so I'm not sure what they are going to look like - I'd say probably like a leghorn cross (all white with a few darker patches) if the genetics are the same. I'll be happy to send you some free of charge if you'd like to hatch some. They really are delicious and really do grow fast.

I have giant pekins (still babies.. some of which are just starting to find their "quack".. lol), cayguas, mallards.. and then the geese
My mallards are getting old.. I'm lucky if I see an egg a year from them anymore.

Morning SCG and Yinepu!

Good morning Wisher!

Can't chat too much this morning, I woke up at 3:00 this morning with a screaming headache (sinus) from being outside all day yesterday. I would just like to ditto what Arielle said, we all seem to have been cut from the same cloth. I carry a gun daily, I believe in a low carb lifestyle (though I don't always resist the sugar siren) and love my birds!

aww.. hope ya feel better
I don't have a carry permit yet.. my husband wants to get both of us one (was the plan before the end of the year) but he's getting deployed to Afghanistan in November.. so we're going to delay it til next year when he gets back

One of my best pets/friends was a pekin duckling that I spent the summer of my third year with. I have been a freak for feathered creatures ever since - that's a long time folks.

For the longest time I refused to eat duck. i had a pekin duckling that the "easter bunny" brought me when I was 3.. my grandmother wanted to put her in the oven which pretty much traumatized me for years against eating duck (Daisey was my "baby").. I've since gotten over it.. but I still love my ducks and geese as pets first and dinner second.. lol

Milk is what sets me off, my arthritis goes nuts when I let any pass my lips.

It's funny what sets some people off.. i can drink milk with no problem.. but I know a lot of people who just can't handle it (the milk sugars as well as it causing aches and pains)
"Daisey", of course.
My duck was Donald. He disappeared one day, and my evil sister said that our father had killed him and we were having him for supper. I believed her and actually never found the truth out until my father's funeral.
Will see about pics!!

Beware that ducks need water and love to jump in and splash splash splash!! The horse trough works well.
Which is exactly why I won't have them around here. It would be the only place they could play in water. The horses trying to use them as foot baths is enough mess for me.
The only time my horses use it as a 'foot bath" is to knock on the tub when it is empty and say "I want water". Annoyingly loud! I'm sure they do it because I am easily trained and fill it up quick, quick!

I was reading this morning, and this seemed to apply to our age group . . . .and morning topic.

THe youth hormone called Growth HOrmone--we know all the kids have oodles of it to sprout so tall, but it dwindles significantly in adults. THe kids can stuff down pizza.

Dr and Dr Eades published these factors that stimulate release: decreased blood glucose levels, increased blood protein level, carb restricted diet, increased protein diet, stage IV sleep and exercise. THe big release of GH is about an hour after falling asleep. Carbs before bed stop this release. Eliminate sweets, starchy and carb ladened foods before bed. Like milk and cookies.

I like the idea that growth hormone re-builds muscle--chickens take a lot of work!!

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