Cream Legbar Eggs Individually Sold


7 Years
Mar 14, 2012
Northern California
Think blue for Spring 2013!

Now, and I'm not exactly sure for how long, $4 an egg. My hens are laying well and for a lot of places it's great weather to ship. If you're thinking about these eggs, this breed, now is an excellent time to go for it!

Cream legbars are the British blue egg layers!! Cream legbars lay medium sized powder blue eggs. This United Kingdom heritage breed was developed from leghorns, barred rock, and chilean hens in the 1930s.

Chicks are born with distinctive male and female markings, separating the boys from the girls from the beginning!
Boys have dots on their heads. Girls are chipmunk striped.

Eggs purchased from this sale have a high genetic diversity. For breeding I have 4 cream legbar roos and 9 hens. Currently they are separated in 2 flocks. Flock A: 1 male: 5 females. Flock B: 3 males: 16 females. All other flock members are not blue egg layers, so no possible errors in eggs shipped.

All of my chickens are free ranged, pastured, and of the highest health. My pullets started laying at 16-22 weeks!

I love the color of my eggs, but please note the bowl of eggs is darker than actual egg color. Photo just took this way.

Eggs will be packaged and placed inside a box, within another shipping box. Each egg is marked A or B and dated on the wide end. Prior to shipping eggs are stored to place air sac at wide end and moved daily.

Eggs are now $4 a piece, for every 5 ordered a spare is sent ie. half dozen, 5+1 for $20, full dozen, 10+2 for $40.

Priority packaging and shipping is $15-$20 depending on where you live.

PM to inquire on the next available date.
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Thanks for catching that! I have 7 hens. I haven't done the NPIP. My 'parent' stock (from GFF) was born end of February, arrived here March 1. I looked into NPIP certification in May, but they wouldn't certify me at that time (birds too young). Now they would, so I need to put this on my list for Fall! From what I understand you must have NPIP to ship live chicks across state lines. For background, I have never bought adult birds; only shipped chicks from NPIP certified breeders or self hatched. I carry just 24 birds. I have 2 mobile coops with electric fences and 1 non-mobile free range coop. My birds live in groups of 6, 8, and 10. Also, I live on 5 acres rurally, adjacent to acres of cattle land, and none of my immediate neighbors carry chickens. I know that doesn't prevent all illnesses, but it's pretty darn healthy for chickens here!!
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Received 17 eggs from Redchicken9 from a 12++ auction here on backyard chickens.

Best packing I've seen yet; plus the postal godz were kind this time. Eggs are sitting and will go in the incubator tonight.

Eggs are from two lines and are clearly marked.

Highly recommend.
I received 10 eggs off a 7 egg order..... All the eggs arrived intact even with horrible delays by the post office. I just candled the eggs this evening and 5 of the 7 set are growing embryos! Super excited to see what we get! I highly recommend Heather if you are considering ordering eggs.
Thank-you, everyone. It's been great hearing how all the hatches went and seeing the little guys and girls. As its winter and the eggs are coming more slowly, I'm closing this ad. I still may sell a few from time to time, so touch base. Enjoy your winter!

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