Advice on chicken breeds / egg colors

We have 6 RSL's and get a pretty good variety of eggs. Two of the hens are lighter in color than the others and their eggs are also always lighter in color...more of a cream. They're also a bit longer and thinner than the of them lays really, really long eggs. The others lay various darker colored eggs, often with speckles on them, and we generally get a couple of medium dark ones that are shorter but quite a bit bigger around. Those light ones are often so long the carton won't close properly, so we just eat them; they fit in the egg bucket in the fridge just fine ;)
We like our leghorns. I know people say they are flighty but I find them friendly and easy to handle. Just handle them as chicks.

Leghorns come in white, brown, and black. They handle the cold and hot very well. They lay well all year long. My leghorns are the first to roost at night. They do fly more than other chickens but not in a mean or scared way.

Leghorns lay nice large white eggs.
At long last! Got our "specklediest" egg ever today. It's the one in the left front...the freckles are slightly can feel them. Can't see it in the photo, but that big long one in the back left has what I call "sleep wrinkles" on it...from folds in the oviduct I'm sure. That's one of Blondie's...she always lays jumbo sized, light shelled double yolkers...just big!

For some reason I think I have a couple speckled layers too! There pretty cool.

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