May Hatch Thread--Fill up those bators n' broodies!

Amber's comb is really red! ( Formally Eggbert/ Herbert chick) Now Amber as she is an Amber star so the one we hatched the Silver Grey Dorking chick was the one that died. :( It was hard to tell the difference as both the chicks were so alike! - but this is not a dorking so not the one we hatched - she is the day old chick we were given.

She is massive and I am hoping she will lay soon. I am soo eggsited waiting for the poop eggs to arrive! The maran chicks we bought are about 2 weeks younger no sign of them getting red combs yet.

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They are a really lovely bird. We have had 5 now.
Gerty - our lead hen that died this year.
Omlet and Duck - the two roo boys. Sadly only Omlet is still alive.
And the two new girls
Gwendalin and lillybeth. They are just darlings!
Here is a picture of them with Amber.
Since this pic Amber's crown and comb have got really red so here is hoping for an egg soon!

Here they are all together - they are very good friends which is good for Amber who spent so long on her own after the other chick died. I just noticed she still has the mirror up in the pen we gave her to keep her company when she was on her own. It was ages until she figured it was her reflection. lol

Here they are practicing roosting! DH made them a roost bar so they could sit on it and watch the dogs playing ball in the yard! They love this event and wont go to bed until they get to see football with the dogs! lol

The Marans have all been great birds and the only sadness I have is that we could not keep the roo boys both of which were very loving and liked to be lifted and cuddled lots!
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WE GOT EGGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cleaned out the pen yesterday morning and there was no sign of anything. Then this morning when I let the girls out of the coop there was a little poop egg ( it is white!) . My 3yr old granddaughter gently took it in to show Grandad. We were so excited. Then when we got back from the store at lunchtime today she had laid another "poopegg" out in the run. The other two babies in the pen are Marans and should lay dark - they are 2/3 weeks younger than Amber.

They look great my wee one is sooooooo big now too. We are thinking of starting more eggs come spring.

Oes - wonder how everyone elses are doing?????

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