12 NPIP Rainbow, Easter, Blue Green, Olive, Pink,Brown, Speckled Eggs Mix


Big Mamma Brahma
8 Years
Oct 18, 2011
Beaufort, NC Outer Banks
For Sale I have 12 rainbow layer hatching eggs for sale. We are an NPIP/ AI clean facility. I have eggs in blue, green, olive, pink, brown and brown with darker brown speckles.

These are from a mixed, free range flock of about 70 birds. My hens are primarily pure Smith/Blehm ameraucana hens, EE/OE and standard brahma mixed hens plus a couple of maransaucanas and other random purebreds who are covered by a Paul Smith ameraucana roo, a buckeye roo and a dark brahma/orpington roo.

The birds hatched from these eggs will lay a variety of the above colors (I get a majority of blue/green/olive eggs and pink eggs) and they will be a medium to larged sized bird, some will have feathered shanks and most will have beards/muffs. You may get a show quality ameraucana or two. They generally have very a mellow temperment but are big enough to keep the hawks away, they are really good layers and fair table birds.

Shipping is $10 to anywhere.

Check out our Website at: BlueEarthFarm.com
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Yes, they are. Anytime.

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