How do you dispose of incubated eggs that are clear?

One of the reasons I stopped keeping of my Filipino egg customers asked if I'd incubate them for her.
but isn't balut a partially developed chick? The OP's talking about clear eggs, that never started developing. I don't think she's wanting to dispose of developing chicks.

True, I was but everything is a learning experience. I don't think I will try Balut. LOL
Yeah, it's a partially developed one. This wasn't really a serious suggestion, more of an opportunity to shock and educate.
Omg! Thank you for my today's education...mother of mothers in heaven, I have never in my life imagined that. I love learning new things and I am never shocked, because I think I know everything ;) Thank you, I am shocked! whew, I read Wikipedia with my eyes wide and jaw on the floor. Wow,
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