Problem with Nutrena Chicken Feed

Which is the dog food and which is the chicken food? (Pet Care vs. Mills).

Thanks for the clarification - I didn't realize they were two different companies. I just saw the name Purina and assumed they were the same. Wonder if I'm the only one that thought that?
Purina Mills makes Livestock Feed as in the chicken feed. (Land-O-Lakes)
Purina Pet Care makes pet food as in dog and cat food. (Nestle)
TQ for your sympathy and I agree with you , Dsgnrone. Some of my hens was pullets and some are over 2 years old. I have been feeding them the bad feed (NaturaWise Layer Pellet) within a month . I store my feed in a sealed plastic containers. My hens are all laying. I feed them Purina Layena Omega 3 and Dumor Poultry Pellets prior to the changed. I gave my chickens Scratch Grain , Oatmeal flakes, Dried Mealworms and Purina Blocks for their treats.

Feel free to give me your suggestions if I do anything wrong. I would like some great informations out there. Thank you for reading my post.
It depends on how you want to look at it.
Purina Mills (the company that makes livestock feed not the pet food) is owned by Land-O-Lakes and Land-O-Lakes makes one of if not the best Exotic Animal Diets you can get. Land-O-Lake/ Purina Mills make a cheap poultry feed under the name Purina and thats the stuff that you can get at TSC and most any other "farm" store (Start and Grow, Flock Raiser and Layena). Land-O-Lakes/Purina Mills also puts out a Wildlife Feed that is a very good feed and can contains animal proteins and fat in it which is a very good plus. Now Land-O-Lakes makes there own line of Exotic Animal Diets and in that line is a Game Bird Feed, there Game Bird Feed contains animal proteins and fats, and is a top of the line feed.
Okay. Thanks for info, everyone!

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