13 week old chicken has laid a rubber egg


5 Years
Aug 20, 2014
I have 5- 13 week old chickens. One rooster and 4 pullets. My husband noticed a rubber egg in the pin that I keep them in at night. I have older chickens so I kinda know the signs of a hen getting close to laying time. I have a Red Star that seems more mature that the others. Her comb and waddles came in early and have turned red. She is definitely a hen. She has been really really talkative lately and she has been interested in the older chickens nesting area. I assume it's her. Is it okay for this to be happening this early? I know the rubber egg is from one of the young pullets cause the older hens does not have access to the pullets pin. They are on grower/ finisher feed right now. Do I need to put the one that's laying on layer feed if I can figure out who it is?
No. Once the majority of the pullets start to lay, then start in with the layer feed. It does not matter that the one laying the eggs is on grower. Grower just has more protein than layer feed, because the chicks are still growing. If you want, you can put them all on layer feed. It does not matter. Either way works.
Thanks for the info. It's definitely official. I had a hard shell egg in the nesting box that we put in the pullets pin this morning. Now I have to try to see if it is my Red Star for sure. I will try to catch her tomorrow.

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