eggs and laying


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 26, 2014
i have 2 merakans 1 gold sexlink 1 red sex link 1 gold lace and 1 silver lace they are all over 7 mounths old and i still have no eggs im not sure if they are all rosters or not i think my mereakans are both roosters so that why i know im not getting eggs from them the other ones i belive are hens im going to try to post pics and if you can let me know if they roosters or hens if they are hens why am i not getting any eggs

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You got the photos to work. That’s not always as easy as you’d think it would be. So you’re off to a good start.

The photos we need to determine if they are male or female is a decent head shot showing comb and wattles. Another one showing the legs and body posture really help too. The chickens don’t always cooperate for you to get a good shot. Mine are really camera shy.

Looking at the hackle (neck) feathers, that first one looks male. Sorry. That last one looks female.

There is no set time when pullets will start to lay. I’ve had them start as early as 16 weeks. I’ve had them start as late as nine months. I’ve had them start the first week of December with no supplemental lights. Each one is an individual and will lay when they lay. They may have tendencies but you have to have enough for the averages to mean much and you really don’t have a lot.

I don’t know how you are feeding them. If you are feeding a low protein diet you can try upping that a bit but I would not go overboard on that. If you have electricity in the coop, you can try extending daylight. Figure out how long daylight is today and set up a light on timers to add a few minutes of light each day, say 5 to 10 minutes each day, to try to trick them into thinking it is already spring. If the pullets are thinking about laying you might get results pretty quickly but if they have not already started thinking about it they can take a few weeks to make the adjustments to their internal egg making machinery they need to start laying.

Patience is probably your best friend on this but I agree it can be very frustrating. Most of us have been there.

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