Do you use freeze dried or live mealworms? Chicken scratch?

Oops!! I meant to say I AM taking live mealworms out to my hens. Wondered if others feed them live. To make clear, i raise the smaller of the mealworms. There are larger ones. I mistakingly bought those first and saw they were not the size we used to order online. So we returned those and got the smaller ones. The larder ones you HAVE to kill before feeding to the hens or the worns can tear through the hens stomach, etc. Seriously.

I raise mealworms. I started out with 25 from a pet store and i now have millions. I just keep them swimming in old fashioned rolled oats and every4 to 5 days give them more slices of raw potato and or slices of raw carrot. Thats their moisture intake. I am not taking live ones out....when im cleaning the dead potatoes out... and throwing to hens. But I have to be sure to not give the hens any potatoes. Poison to the hens. Weird they can eat a worm that ingests it but they cant directly have a potato. My queation it ok to feed live worms to the hens or should they be freeze dried. But doesnt "dried" mean to toast them in a pan to make them dry? I just would freeze a bunch in plastic container and throw them.out to hens when frozen.
I feed my chickens scratch, cracked corn ( when it is cold to fatten them up some), and super worms. Super worms are SW's are cheaper and larger. I actually do not buy them either. I started to breed them almost by accident.

When you feed "treats" try not to have it exceed 10% of their diet.
Hi, I just bought a 10 lb bag of dried meal worms from eBay for $48.99 with free shipping. My girls love them. This was their first taste and they went ballistic. I hand feed them while I sit with them morning and evening. They 10 bs came as 2 five pound bags and would fill a standard grocery bag and then some. Very happy with my purchase. Yummy Worms, Inc. is the seller. FYI....p.s. they did come from China.

Haha! I love the idea of using bugs from the bug zapper as a treat! Midnight raids to the neighbors bug zapper will be made....
We hung two zappers out and because we live in FL, they zap almost every second with mosquitoes and flying beetles. I buy dried mealworms on Amazon for less than $30 for 5 lb from USA. Sometimes mix in other dried things but we have 9000 live things in the soil and they eat those. When it got freezing cold and my birds were not used to the temps, the combs started turning blue so I went to Walmart (cheapest place) and bought bait worms- LOTS of them. The chickens ate every one and they perked right up. I also grow tons of herbs and things and toss little pieces here and there.

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