Do some or all of your chickens respond to their names?


Premium Feather Member
14 Years
Dec 11, 2009
Colorado Rockies
I was handing out meal worms yesterday to my eighteen hens. Most were crowded around, and I would call their name and when they stepped forward, I would give them their worm. It was surprising how many of them actually stepped forward, or looked up, if they were outside the crowd focused on something else. Except for Alice, who is in extended molt and is extremely touchy, she would look up and immediately turn and run away when I called her name, then she zipped in when I reached out to her with a worm.

Tell me if you have chickens who know their names and respond to them.
If I say, "Crow-butt" in a sing-song voice, by bantam Australorp pullet comes. Same with my Sebright, Silkies, and Cochin bantam. The others will glance at me occasionally when I say their name, but they are just not as friendly as my bantams. Food always helps.
My Ameracauna mutt rooster, Uriel, knows his name. The second I step out the door and call for him, he comes running! Follows me around like a big, feathery puppy. Pretty sure my main hen, Ruby knows her name as well. She's spoiled and I'll i all her over to the fence for extra treats sometimes.
Every single one of my roosters responded to their names just as dogs do. The hens, only maybe a fourth of them respond to their names, and meal worms definitely help make the connection.
Mine don't, but when I call, "hey ladies" they all come running to see if I have treats. I guess the dog taught them well.
My four bantams gals definitely know their names. If I call one by name she will look up and if a I use the group call, they all come running. If I ask them by name if they are having a good day, they chatter back.

I always use their names when talking to them and we have a tradition in that every Sunday I sit with them and share out a piece of cheese. Each gal is given her piece of cheese in turn when her name is mentioned. OK, that does not stop them trying to pinch a piece out of turn but I do think it helped with teaching them their names.

Agreed that meal worms definitely help also .. I reckon they would spell out their name in the dirt in return for meal worm!! lol
I can take a select few to a location with better than a couple hundred people and call birds where they then run though crowd for eats. With practice a given individual will come only when it's name is called., They are particular about the size of the meal they will invest such for as meals too small they will ignore calls unless close by.

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