Best Breeds for First Timers

By far my BA's are the quietest. Not the come sit in my lap kind but very calm and even tempered. I have some bantams in my flock and they are not bothered by the BA's at all.
SS are pretty and mine are very friendly.
I agree about Delaware's being a bit on the louder side.
My most skittish and LOUDEST are my Hamburgs.
You may think BA is just a black chicken but in the light when the sun hits those feathers they are stunning.

Just my opinion.
I got 21 chicks last year. Three of each: Buff Orps, Barred Rock, Easter Eggers, Black Australorps, Silver Laced Wyandottes, Rhode Island Reds and Golden Comets. All were hatchery stock, so most are crossed with Leghorns to increase their breeding. I've heard that heritage stock is totally different than what you get from a hatchery/feed store.

The ones I like the best are the Orps, Rocks and Blacks Aussies. I sold my RIR and Comets. My RIR were wild, flighty and were really bad about picking on the other chickens. I'm not thrilled with my SLW. They are pretty, but loud!! I call them the Hag sisters. They are always yap, yap, yapping about something. Seems like they are griping all the time! LOL Two of my EE's are kinda wild. They lay pretty eggs, one is blue the other is pink, but they are not the tamest. The one I have that lays green eggs, Rosie, she is very nice. In fact, she hops up on the waterer every evening when I feed them their scratch. She wants me to feed her out of my hand.

I plan on getting some more chicks this spring. I plan on getting some heritage Orps. Looking to get some more colors, blues, black and splash. I really like the Orps the best.

You never know what you will like until you try them. I would get 3-4 different breeds and see which ones you like the best.
I got 21 chicks last year. Three of each: Buff Orps, Barred Rock, Easter Eggers, Black Australorps, Silver Laced Wyandottes, Rhode Island Reds and Golden Comets. All were hatchery stock, so most are crossed with Leghorns to increase their breeding. I've heard that heritage stock is totally different than what you get from a hatchery/feed store.
I 2nd the black australorps and silver laced wyandottes. They are nice I have 2 week old chicks and they just hop in my hands. However, my favorite right now is the light Braham. mine are super friendly they are the first ones to hop in my hand to be cuddled
Thank you everyone, I really appreciated all of the feedback. I took your suggestions and paired that with what was available. I have been so busy with the girls I forgot to update! We ended up getting 6 girls (we hope).
We got one of each....
Buff Orp
Barred Rock
Golden Sex Link

They are all so sweet and so far great with the kids. Our Barred Rock is the most social, curious, and friendly so far!

Wish is luck!
I think you have to first make sure the breed suits your climate, then pick what you like. Some cities have by-laws that you can't keep chickens, or if you can that you can't have roosters, so make sure you look into that too.

I've heard Buff Orpingtons are lovely, sweet natured chickens :)

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