Silkies with other hens

Do you have a silkie rooster? I don't know why I didn't say this before, must have not been thinking, but I do have 2 silkies in with 2 RIR and an Isa brown. One silkie is a rooster and the other is a hen, the other 3 are pullets. I introduced the pullets to the rooster(he was an adult at the time of the introduction) and he took them in ( there was some pecking at the beginning, but now they are fine with each other) and I recently added the hen silkie, who immediately took the position of top hen. Having the top rooster be a silkie seems to dissuade any hens picking too heavily on silkie hens.
Do you have a silkie rooster? I don't know why I didn't say this before, must have not been thinking, but I do have 2 silkies in with 2 RIR and an Isa brown. One silkie is a rooster and the other is a hen, the other 3 are pullets. I introduced the pullets to the rooster(he was an adult at the time of the introduction) and he took them in ( there was some pecking at the beginning, but now they are fine with each other) and I recently added the hen silkie, who immediately took the position of top hen. Having the top rooster be a silkie seems to dissuade any hens picking too heavily on silkie hens.

No I don't have any chickens yet
Is anybody still here?
Would four Pekins (lemon,lavender,lemon cuckoo,lavender cuckoo), two sablepoot/booted bantams(lemon/citrus millefluer,porcelain),two mini(that's what the bantam is called over here in England) silkies (black,white)work
And possibly
An araucana bantam(unknown colour,I'm guessing black,black/red or lavender but I really don't know at the minute)
Wyandotte bantam (salmon)
Barbu d'anver(lavender quail)
Polish bantam (white crested blue)
Three runner ducks(chocolate,lavender and magpie)

12 at max plus the three ducks

I am willing to swap the Wyandotte for another araucana if needed
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