Burr Farm

Did you find out anything? I have dealt with the other Connecticut farm and I wound up with 5 roosters that I will now have to do something with
But I am looking for more hens now.
Can you tellme who the breeder is and how I can contact them? I am looking for Australorps or Buff Orpingtons. Did you have a good experience? I am in Connecticut and if they are good I am happy to drive there.
Hi. I'm brand spanking new to raising backyard chickens . . . actually, my two daughters (ages 14 and 10) will be raising chickens! We have new backyard coop and are now looking for 3-4 birds. We're told we should be looking for Rhode Island Reds, pullets around 10-25 weeks old (NO ROOSTERS), as they will be the easiest, most docile, ect. but we're open to other well behaved breeds. We live in Old Lyme, CT so looking desperately for someone in CT to (desperately b/c my daughters are very eager to get started!). If you have any suggestions for reputable places I would GREATLY appreciate the reference. We know VERY little but are extremely eager to learn! Any help is really appreciated!


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