She said/He said Who's right? Who's wrong? No one!

Ok, relatively easy upkeep. And definitely no ducks - I'll just enjoy everyone else's pictures (and tattoos)
Best way to keep it relatively easy upkeep is either a mixed flock or only a couple purebred flocks... once you get others it gets very easy to get out of hand...
Ok, relatively easy upkeep. And definitely no ducks - I'll just enjoy everyone else's pictures (and tattoos)

you manage not to go crazy you manage to stay up late even when your to old to be up so late you manage to spend a small fortune on feed you manage to dig a huge hole deeper and deeper that you hope you'll crawl out of some day. and somehow you manage not to look a fool while you do it.and I still don't know how I'm pulling that off. and most of the time you manage to be long on chickens and short on space for them. that 's the management class any questions
you manage not to go crazy you manage to stay up late even when your to old to be up so late you manage to spend a small fortune on feed you manage to dig a huge hole deeper and deeper that you hope you'll crawl out of some day. and somehow you manage not to look a fool while you do it.and I still don't know how I'm pulling that off. and most of the time you manage to be long on chickens and short on space for them. that 's the management class any questions

Easy upkeep... hmmm...



No chickens...

And no ducks...



LOL    :gig  Ok, relatively easy upkeep.  And definitely no ducks - I'll just enjoy everyone else's pictures (and tattoos)

We were talking the other day, we'd have to re-till that whole section of the yard, or re-sod it. The ducks area looks like moonscape! They dig holes when it rains! (but the tat is looking better every day... The easiest one to take care of!)
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I have 2 have a heart traps and they're great until you trap a skunk in them.  Thankfully DH (NOT ME) only had to deal with  that once. Ewwwwww.

Yeah I bet that was gross. I am glad we don't have to worry about skunks.

And their eggs are horrible!

Hahahhahahaha! At least you would have pretty lawn decor......:lau

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