She said/He said Who's right? Who's wrong? No one!

Cool. I honestly think the chick will die of failure to thrive as it will be the only chick *shrug*.

Not sure how I will increase humidity, don't even know what it is. I haven't really figure the whole hatching part yet. Polyester batting is not conducive to hatching methinks. If I catch it internal pipping, I'll run to the store and by some straw or hay and stick it in a cardboard box with a wet sponge. *shrug*

Going ultra Red on this one.

Having my boss tell me it was all my fault because mechanical error is an excuse obviously kinda killed all my spirit.
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Shadows having a foraging break from the nest. She spent the whole time puffed out trying to look 3x as big as she really is.

She's awesome!

Hi again!! :)

Sorry your classroom hatch didn't work out... I was hoping it would... :/

Check the air cell and when it dips further down on one side, then it's close to hatch... or don't worry until it pips and then up your humidity... as long as you know it's soon and keep an eye on it, you should be fine...

Best way to keep it relatively easy upkeep is either a mixed flock or only a couple purebred flocks... once you get others it gets very easy to get out of hand...
Construction of our chicken coop is almost done. It was built by a retired house builder, assisted by our team of campworkers. His son and daughter-in-law works at our campground. His dad was happy to do it because it kept him out of his house for the 2 weeks his sister-in-law was visiting. It's built better than our cabins. It's actually 2 coops in one. My plans were to keep BCMs and OEs on 1 side and Ameraucanas and EEs on the other. I haven't figured out where I going to put the Salmon Faverolle I bought on a whim. I was told I might get pink eggs from them. And for me it's all about the egg color.
Well I want a frizzle with hookless feathers that lays small blue eggs. Any know if the exist yet?

I do have plans to make 1.

I got an aracuna.

No idea, but sounds like a fun project... I'm kinda thinking of a blue/green egg laying Silkie... got an oops cross pullet... Silkie x Cream Legbar...


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