My Black Laced Golden Wyandotte has suddenly developed a droopy tail?

Keep forgetting to ask...WTH is that chicken in your avatar doing?

Here's the story. I used to have a super aggressive cochin cockerel. He would jump around and scare the other chickens. It was so funny! We rehomed him, though. I googled "jumping chicken" and got this. It's so funny! - this is a good bit of information on doing a proper quarantine.
I'm over my head with chickens right now, but if I ever get more, I'll take a look at this thread and try to pull off the quarantining a little better. Thank you!
Pardon their lacing. Unlike my silkies, they aren't breeder quality.

The bird in question. It is hard to get pictures of it:

The way it's standing makes the tail a bit less droopy.

Here's the other one without the droopy tail for comparison.

(Ms. Horrible Lacing photobombs. Sorry about that.)

Closeup of straight tailed bird ^

Do you think they might BOTH be cockerels? Their wattles are bigger than my SLWs.

Also, thought you might want to see a picture of my cochin cockerel from when I still had him. He was half Production Red.

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