barred chicks

  1. V

    Are they hens?

    I bought what I was told were 1 day old female black australorps from a local feed store.... they appear to be barred rock. These are my first chickens I’ve owned and I’d really love some options on if they are in fact girls. This is the 4 of them below today at 5 weeks 1 day old.
  2. Plymouth Barred Rock

    Plymouth Barred Rock

    2 weeks old.
  3. PBR Chicks

    PBR Chicks

    Barred Rock in the Brooder.
  4. M

    Sexing barred rock/ buff Plymouth chicks

    Hi all, I have 2 barred rocks and 1 buff plymouth... they will be 4 weeks old this coming week. Can either be sexed? I'm pretty upset thinking that my 2 barred are cockerels as my oldest daughter and I were hoping to have a "zebra chicken" hen 😔 the other is a buff Plymouth and I have no idea on...
  5. baileeb

    Can you sex these chicks? Help!!

    Hello all! These are my 5 week old baby chicks. Their breeds are: black australorp, barred plymouth rock, rhode island red, olive easter eggers (2 grey ladies), and a golden laced wyandotte. I’m curious to see if anyone can sex them because I have no clue how to- they’re my first flock! Please...
  6. F

    Need help sexing 5 week old chicken

    I bough six chicks from Tractor Supply labeled as “Asia Blacks” almost 5 weeks ago. However after doing some research I believe I ended up with four Barred Rocks and two Black Sexlinks. I’ve became quickly attached to this bird and need help determining the sex! This is my first time owning...
  7. D

    Barred Rock Chicks Trying to Fly at 6 Days Old?!?

    Hi!! So I have been terrible at updating you guys! We got 20 chicks last Wednesday - 11 Barred Rocks and 9 Buff Orpingtons. My husband's coworker took 3 Barreds and 2 Buffs leaving us with 15. We had them in a 40 gallon horse trough and that was NOT enough.. We joked that the Barreds were...
  8. WatkinsCluckers

    2 Barred Rocks and 1... what?

    Hi! Friend is giving us three chicks. Looks like they’re 3 weeks old and two are Barred Rocks. What would you say the red/gold one is? Also, would you say I have one or two BR cockerels?
  9. E

    Help!!! Do I have a cockerel or pullet??

    First time chicken mom. I started with 2 and would like to get 1 or 2 more. I was told I had a barred rock pullet but I’m starting to think otherwise. Please help confirm, I’m not allowed roosters in my town. I have a few pics below from now and 3 weeks ago when I got them. I feel like my camera...
  10. JaimeP

    Barred rock-pullets?

    Just wanted your expertise on my two 10 week old barred rock babies. I’m thinking they are both pullets. Love to hear your thoughts! Thanks in advance!
  11. K

    I really hope these barred rocks are girls

    New here and new to chickens. I introduced myself in the other thread ;) So I'm worried we might have some gender problems with the 3 barred rocks I got that were supposed to be all female. The two older ones are between 6-7 weeks and about to move outside today or tomorrow. However, I'm...
  12. solidsnake

    Sexing BR chick?

    I've had some suspicions about my BR chick.... think it might be a boy, but I certainly don't have a trained enough eye to be able to be certain. It could be too early to tell. Day ~2 Picture taken Feb 16. These were taken today March 5.
  13. brownkowmom

    What are these chickens!?!?!?!?!!

    A friend picked up these chicks from TSC. She said there was 2 bins. One bin was roosters and the other was hens. The store attendee helping her said they were an auto sexing breed but she can not remember the breed name. She picked from the hen bin but definitely has roosters and no idea what...
  14. IMG_7676


    ~4 weeks old
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