buff duck

  1. Waverly, Lavender, Sage, and Olive

    Waverly, Lavender, Sage, and Olive

  2. Grace and Molly

    Grace and Molly

    Rouen and Buff Orpington
  3. Waverly


    Buff Orpington
  4. W

    Breeding Buff to Saxony

    Will my Buff drake be able to breed my large Saxony hen? My buff drake is crested and I would love to have a crested duck that resembles a saxony duck. My Buff drake is a good bit smaller than my Saxony hen. T h w saxony hwn is in the back and the drake is in front of her. The size difference...
  5. Duckling and Dog

    HELP! Worried duckling mumma!

    This is the first time have ducklings and I'm concerned with the breathing it looks so laboured. I have been cleaning there quaters twice a day with brand new clean everything and they have a water bowl they can get there heads right under! Can anyone confirm if this breathing for 12 day old...
  6. I

    Best crossbreeds for ducks?

    Hi I’m looking into many different breeds of ducks and really can’t decide on just one breed so are there any really cool cross breeds for egg production and beauty?
  7. WyldStorm

    First Time Duck Owner

    Well, do to some random events I know have an 8 week old Buff duck who I dont know the gender of. While I have the time, space and resources to take care of them, I don't really know where to start and what to expect. I live in the midwest, so my weather is the extreme of both hot and cold. What...
  8. Fairywoodducks

    New ducklings coming in the mail!

    Hi all! I have 2 new ducklings on the way from Metzer Farms. They'll be in on Wednesday. I lost my favorite buff duck, Luna, to a hawk earlier this month, so automatically when you loose 1 you gain 2 (duck math is a real thing)! After buckling down on our yard we decided to get another Buff and...
  9. house.of.ducks

    Raising a ducking alone??

    Ok so my little cousin desperately wants a duckling of his own so I’m probably getting him a buff duckling that I found on Craigslist. She’s two days old and still needs to be kept inside under a heat lamp and I’m planning on picking her up tomorrow morning (I may end up getting her if the woman...
  10. Ryan Wiemken

    What breed or breeds of duck should I get?

    I am looking at getting one or two different breeds from a breeder. I am thinking of getting 10 straight run ducklings of deep keeled rouens and alyesbury ducks. Are they good ducks and do they have any problems? I want to raise a rarer breed so I can breed them and sell the offspring or...
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