
  1. Heartsopenwide

    Mixed flocks

    Who has a mixed flock? Ducks and chickens. I have had chickens for over 3yrs but have ducks coming in June. Now I am reading it is bad to have a mixed flock do to disease. Do need to be concerned? Who is more at risk?, ducks or chickens? Which diseases ?
  2. isabellajosie

    Hen Limping, Possible Sprain?

    Hi, all. I have a nearly one year old Sapphire Gem hen. I noticed today that she’s limping. It doesn’t seem that bad, she’s moving around, kicking up dirt and leaves in the yard, but it’s noticeable enough that she’s limping. I wasn’t able to spend much time out there with them yesterday, but...
  3. T

    Chickens are a laying!!!

    Chickens are a laying!!! Got 8 Chickens on Saturday. Saturday evening 1 egg laid. Today while at work 3 eggs laid. Stepped out for a bit, and when I got home I found another egg for picking up. 5 eggs laid by at least 3 different chickens in 2 days. For a beginner I'd say that's decent...
  4. That crazy duck lady

    Hi everyone!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am new to chickens and ducks as of May of 2022 (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 12 chickens, 22 ducks… and counting (3) What breeds do you have? chickens: Rhode Island Red, lavender Orpingtons, Ameraucanas...
  5. T

    Tres Pinos Farm

    Hello everyone, Introducing myself. Bought a house Oct. '21 homesteaded it and Nov. '22 registered it as a farm with the Farm Service Agency. Wasn't going to have Chickens until an opportunity fell into my lap. 2 chicken coops and 8 chickens for $200.00. Couldn't turn it down, so as of...
  6. 907


  7. P

    Cockerels for sale - very friendly - great pets

    I have a pair of cockerels about 12 weeks old. They are mixed with easter eggers, australorps and black marans…but they look more like black marans...very attractive. They have been handled regularly. They get along well and have been together since birth. They are even a bit comical...
  8. DuckDuckPromise

    How Many Weeks?

    Lord’s Willing, how many weeks do y’all usually give before being able to guess genders on chickens? Our babies are all mixes, so no auto sexing. (I don’t think so anyways, from what I understood if they aren’t specific breeds, there’s not autosexing traits, right?) They are a little over 3 weeks!
  9. ChickenHeartedHen

    Birds to be remembered

    Hey all, I’m sure we have all gone through the pain of losing a beloved bird. I created this thread in memory of my BO hen named Camacho. She passed 2 years ago today. She truly was quirky, and had the sweetest personality I’ve ever seen in a chicken. She was sneaky, and always managed to sneak...
  10. M

    Want Welsummer pullets or hens

    Would like to buy 4-6 Welsummer pullets or hens. Will be using them for a breeding program. Please be willing to ship, I am located in Southern California. I will pay to offset shipping. Photo's appreciated, let me know what you have.
  11. Everose

    Who here isn't getting eggs?

    My chickens and ducks quit laying eggs early summer of 2022, but they were under stress, molting, and on a cheap feed. So I didn't think anything of it. For months now they've all been in new spacious pens, on a layer diet, they're all young and they are all in good health. I've had no predator...
  12. A

    Is it gapeworm?

    My chicken is having trouble breathing, stretching out her neck, mouth wide open, strange sound. Wasn’t eating and drinking. I went to Facebook and many people thought gapeworm or respiratory. I gave her .25ml of duramycin as someone has recommended, 1x every other day, for 5 days. She got the...
  13. DazzlingSkies17

    ISO chickens, ducks and guineas in CT

    I am looking to increase my flock once again, We restructured our housing/coop and run after a bear family had destroyed our other one. If anyone wants to rehome their chickens, ducks and guinea fowl please contact me. Roosters and drakes are welcome I will consider others as well 😊. We have 24...
  14. triciayoung

    Did Anyone Else See This? A Plug for Chickens and Extra for Roosters. About Chickens.
  15. M

    Random Chickens

    Hi all, I have a few more random chickens that I have acquired no idea on the breeds or the genders Thanks
  16. HennesyPennyAndFlo


  17. M

    Gender and Breeds

    Hi all, I have an arrange of teenage chickens atm, no idea on the breed or gender of most. Each picture is one individual chicken Any help is greatly appreciated thanks.
  18. AGDependentFarm

    January Hatching Coturnix Quail

    I spend most of my time in the Quail forums and forget to come over here. We Incubated 120 of our quail eggs. We were excited as we have bought the last 2 sets of 120 eggs from Myshire Farms. This set was completely from our adult birds. We laid down 120 eggs and only candled on lockdown day. we...
  19. isabellajosie

    8 Month Old Hen Molting?

    Hello. I have an eight month old Partridge Plymouth Rock hen that I think may be molting. I’m a little concerned as to whether the reason for her loss of feathers is actually molting. Since she’s still young and it’s January, although I’ve read that some chickens will molt at any time during the...
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