
  1. HennesyPennyAndFlo


  2. M

    Gender and Breeds

    Hi all, I have an arrange of teenage chickens atm, no idea on the breed or gender of most. Each picture is one individual chicken Any help is greatly appreciated thanks.
  3. AGDependentFarm

    January Hatching Coturnix Quail

    I spend most of my time in the Quail forums and forget to come over here. We Incubated 120 of our quail eggs. We were excited as we have bought the last 2 sets of 120 eggs from Myshire Farms. This set was completely from our adult birds. We laid down 120 eggs and only candled on lockdown day. we...
  4. isabellajosie

    8 Month Old Hen Molting?

    Hello. I have an eight month old Partridge Plymouth Rock hen that I think may be molting. I’m a little concerned as to whether the reason for her loss of feathers is actually molting. Since she’s still young and it’s January, although I’ve read that some chickens will molt at any time during the...
  5. B

    Buying my chickens a new house.

    I was considering buying this house for my ladies & I also have this tractor supply 8X8 pen but i want to know if it would still work with my pen? if anyone has the same pen you know has an open square on one side that you can unscrew & i didn’t know if i could get my house to fit that way? I...
  6. C

    Introducing Chicks to Geese

    Hello! I’m planning on buying a huge new flock of chickens from McMurray and want to add a guard goose. We have terrible predators (I’m getting poultry netting for those forsaken hawks but we also have rats and other predators) and I think it’s a great solution until I get LGDs. Since I’m...
  7. Goblingchickenfather

    Some art. I take commissions as well!

    I do art in my spare time. I also have commissions. If you'd like to commision me to draw your chickens I'd absolutely love to. :)
  8. Fwoof

    Fwoof's Christmas Chicken Contest! (Ends on new years day)

    🎄Happy Holidays and welcome to Fwoof's Christmas Chicken Contest!🎄 In this contest you can enter pictures of your hens in a christmas scene, roosters in santa hats, or your poultry just walking in a winter wonderland! Here are the rules: All BYC rules apply. this contest only allows pictures...
  9. EasterEggers19

    Gender of 6 Week Old White Leghorns

    Hello all! :cool: I have several 6 week old chicks that I'm raising. Two of them are White Leghorns, and I have zero prior experience with this breed so I was hoping some of the peeps on here could help me figure out the gender of them! I know they're still young so it might be difficult for...
  10. U

    Keeping chickens in winter

    Has anyone any tips for keeping chickens in winter , how to keep them warm at night , how to dry them off after they have been in the rain , any supplements they might need , coop and run maintenance and so on . Thank you :)
  11. Countryhippie

    What is happening? Is she Molting?

    Hi everyone. I have four hens. They were born August 5th 2021. So they are just over a year and a month or so old. they have never gone through a molt before and I have never experienced a molt so I dont really know what I am looking for. The Road Island Red hen pictured is just losing all of...
  12. astromonn


  13. MolliMonster99

    Duck flooring

    Hi all! I have a flock of 6 runners, 2 cayugas and 2 ISA browns. We are currently working on their run in an attempt to keep it as dry as possible but we're having some issues. We are covering the run in concrete slabs but they keep sinking into the mud and pooling water in the centre. On one...
  14. chickenexpert55

    How to raise chickens for eggs?

    I need some help with this, any tips?
  15. deltathechicken

    Chicks inside for winter

    I Have six turkens and one golden laced wydontte about 3 weeks old now in a 40 gallon tank. There going to be 6 weeks the end of Nov. I was wondering if I should keep them inside till spring and what would be best to keep them in if I do?
  16. fxyloos

    Hello from The Loos Fox Homestead

    Hello all, My husband Mark and I (Paula) have a small homestead in Peyton Colorado on five acres. We have recently (in January 2022) decided to start with a small batch of chickens so we could water glass our fresh eggs. We have recently discovered what "Chicken Math" is.... We now have 47...
  17. D

    Is Janet a Janet and Fiona a Fiona... Or a James & Finn?

    Hi everyone! Fairly new to chickens and my neighbor had given me 5 chicks he had thought were pullets. They will be 6 weeks Saturday 10/29. I'm in denial but my guess is Janet and Fiona are roos - thankfully neighbor said he'd take the boys back if so... But have gotten attached to them...
  18. titosfarm

    Chicken is clearly sick, put it out of its misery or is this treatable?

    We have a speckled sussex who has been acting weird for a few weeks. She hasn’t been showing many symptoms, but she has been distancing herself and changing her sleeping spots. Her wings have been a little droopy as well. Today we went down to their pen to find her laying down & the other hens...
  19. 20221013_154838.jpg


    I took an old carport frame and installed metal roofing on top and upper sides, with chicken wire down lower. 6'x8' insulated and heated coup building for cold weather.
  20. JohnsterSpacePoultrygram

    A new beginner from Connecticut

    Hello everyone, I'm John. I'm new to this site, and my family is going to start raising their first chickens and ducks in just a few weeks from now. We are getting them as day-olds from Metzer Farms and My Pet Chicken. For the chickens, we've decided on getting some bantams and standard size...
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