chicks 2 weeks

  1. K

    Sneezing crackly chicks

    Good evening. I am hoping to get some advice on treatment for chicks that have just started sneezing and sound crackly/wheezing when breathing. This has started within the past 24 hours. I have not noticed any eye or nasal discharge.They are approximately 2-3 week old chicks and a variety of...
  2. VyeFye

    What breed am I? Meyer Meal Maker

    Okie dokie. I received a meyer meal maker chick in with my golden cuckoo marans, buff orpington, and barred plymouth rock chicks. I cannot figure out for the life of me what it is so I thought it would be interesting to see what you all thought. My guess so far is a Welsummer. This is...
  3. V

    Raising Chicks

    Hi, I've had backyard chickens for about eight years, and always started with pullets, but am now raising chicks for the first time and have some questions. These six fuzzy babies came from Tractor Supply. I have an elderly dog and a number of barn cats who consider the chickens mostly as cat-tv.
  4. BrahmaGirl2018

    A day shy of two weeks old....

    I can't believe how fast they have grown!!!!
  5. KikiDeAnime

    Poopy Butt?

    Please read this completely I'm currently raising 5 Broilers and I've been giving them all that they're supposed to eat but one of them constantly needs it's bum wiped clean as it gets poopy butt. None of the others have this problem. Is there anything wrong with it? What should I do? They...
  6. ChickenMamaSarah

    Is 98 degrees outside too hot for baby chicks?

    i have a variety of chicks in a brooder under a heat lamp in my house right now. In an attempt to avoid a divorce I got another smaller chicken coop with an attached run and put it in my large chicken run with the rest of my adult birds and two ducks. I have a Brahma, Americauna, and a bantam...
  7. classicsredone

    What are these random 4H embryology chicks? **Hatch #2**

    Not long ago, I posted pictures of the chicks my sister hatched in her kindergarten classroom as part of the county's embryology program through 4H and the county ag extension. Teachers are able to rent an incubator and turner and can buy eggs. For reasons I can totally understand, the eggs are...
  8. Fourwaldens

    2 poop questions - 10 days old

    Question 1) One of my chicks has poop stick under her vent...not on her vent. I keep checking to make sure she’s clear but beneath her vent. No one else in the brooder (she’s one of four) is having this issue. Should I clean it and just keep watch or should I clean it and help her in some way...
  9. poulet2016

    Done with Heating Pad? (Mama Heating Pad question)

    Hi All, Our chicks are now 2 weeks old and thriving outside in the coop- it was really warm this week with two days in the 80s but no colder than the higher 50s at night. I have seen the chicks nowhere near the MHP- I think they sleep in a corner huddled together at night. Could it be possible...
  10. BrahmaMom1797

    Silkie/Polish Chick Issues

    I Just recently hatch a polish/Silkie cross with frizzled feathers. A sweet little bird being raised with a Brahma/silkie cross and a Seabright/silkie cross. The polish was last hatched and had a couple issues during hatching. Her membrane was drying on her so her hatching period was a bit long...
  11. A

    First time owning chickens and they're sneezing?!

    Hi, we got our first chicks a week and a half ago, 6 buff orpingtons, I've never owned any type of bird before so everything were doing is just based on research. They're 2 weeks old now and have been doing great except that now they're sneezing. All but one only sneeze occasionally but one is...
  12. H

    Bantam baby update

    Well my Bantam baby had really bad pasty butt when I got it. My little one was bald on it's backside, but is now at about two weeks old is starting to get feathers back there. I'm so excited! I know it's a small thing... This milestone makes me feel like my Bantam baby is out the woods from the...
  13. Jacob Cockcroft

    Wow, chicks grow fast

    Two week old Barnevelders.

    Why do all of my chicks have bald spots?

    I have 4 chicks that I bought from a Tractor Supply 1 week ago, they’re now about 2 weeks old. I noticed that all of the chicks have a bald spot on their right shoulders. I attached some pictures below. I know it looks like 2 different chicks, but it’s 4. (Ignore my chipped nail polish and baby...
  15. Cklass90

    City girl turned homesteader

    So I was born and raised in London England! Yes the big famous city. Now I live in a tiny Town in the middle of nowhere Idaho with less than 2000 people and I don't even live in the town part! There were more than 2000 people in my school back in England! Anyway I moved here 7 years ago and I...
  16. H

    Is this normal?

    I've had my baby chicks on the grass for a couple days now. When they're out on the grass they go until they drop and then the rest a good long while before getting right back up again and repeating. Is this normal behavior?
  17. H

    Baby Chicks on Grass

    Well my baby chicks are almost 2 weeks old, and we built a little pen for them to play on the grass. Just last night we finished the pen, and let the babies play on the grass for a good hour or so. They were so tuckered out that three out of the four were just laying in their brooder box once...
  18. Doulaness

    Poor husbandry?

    I got into the chicken raising life from my cousin. He set me up with a few already layers and I have added layers since. So i took a big leap and decided to start with fresh baby chicks. Initially i started with 7. On day one, 2 had died. Then i replaced them. We have been losing 1 on average...
  19. Playford Flats Farm

    Guess the Gender!

    I am acquiring five chicks on Monday and I’d like to see if anyone wants to gamble at the genders. 1 is a Barred Rock, 2 & 3 are Ayam Cemani/Ameraucana crosses and 4 & 5 are Ameraucanas. They’re all two weeks old.
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