
  1. Goosebaby

    Intrusive Thoughts

    Today I made an attempt to control myself. Today I failed to control myself.
  2. Launchpad

    Duck acting strange - panting, tired? (I hope)

    Blanche the 9 month old silver appleyard has been acting strange the last hour. That's just when i noticed. She had been normal up until at least least two - 3 hours ago latest- hunting bugs, eating peas, etc She was under the deck acting strange, almost like a breathing issue lots of panting...
  3. Ronnie_

    Bumble foot treatments

    Hi all! Today was duck foot wellness check, and it seems all my ladies (3) have on at least 1 foot that has a swollen spot on the toe or foot with a small dark spot in the center (spot is very small about a pin head or smaller). Feet don’t feel hot and not red at all. I’m assuming this is...
  4. Launchpad

    Duck dewclaw injury- treatment?

    So bad things happen in threes, and I'm hoping this is the last bad thing for a while because compared to the two duck deaths in two days it's minor. But still needs attention. Not sure what, if anything special, to do. So while upgrading the outer defenses of my pens i hear a loud crash as a...
  5. Fangeddeer

    Just checking again for the 100th time.. not mallard right?

    Every time I take her out everyone comments on me having a hen mallard. Makes me super nervous bc she looks like one without the stripes..
  6. Launchpad

    Lost Rose the duck

    Rose was a silver Appleyard female, one of four females (the golden girls) just at 9 months. There is another SA and two buff orpington. Not sure why she passed I know it's almost impossible to tell (outside of obvious signs) and she looked normal/ was acting normal Two nights ago, we did a...
  7. P

    (Help) Duck limping

    Hello! I have 2 Pekin ducks, one male, one female. I keep them in my garden where they have more than enough space. Yesterday, in the middle of the day, the male duck started limping Today, it's gotten worse, and now he's mostly sitting down, only getting up to drink (from a tall cup I have for...
  8. TheBirdBabe

    Flooring... yes or no?

    Hey y'all! My husband just built me a new goose coop! I'm excited to move them in, but I need some guidance on what to use as a "floor". We don't have one in there due to these birds being absolutely disgusting. 🤢 I think it would be more of a headache for me to try to clean WITH a floor as...
  9. Lauren84

    First Egg

    Help! Today whilst I was at work my duck Custard laid her first egg but there was some kind of cord attached. Is this normal? My duck seems very sad and tired now. Also could anyone recommend food I could buy in the UK or any special supplements for laying ducks? I already give my ducks...
  10. Sadie W


    So my pekin girl Dixie is my favorite duck. I’ve had her the longest out of everyone and she’s the one that is nicest to me (eating out of my hand coming around me when outside willing to walk into the house ect.) I noticed today that she had missing feathers on her wings that I’m very concerned...
  11. S

    Orphaned baby duck

    Hi all! I work at a vet hospital for cats and dogs and we had a woman come in with an orphaned baby duck. I have had experience raising ducks but this was 8 years ago. I already called wildlife rehab but they said they couldn't take it in and gave me some resources for taking care of it on my...
  12. DingusDuck

    Why does my silver appleyard duckling have a brown stripe instead of black?

    Pretty much all my silver appleyard ducklings have a black stripe, but one has a brown stripe, and I was just wondering why. Here's a picture of the brown one next to a black one: Any ideas why he has a brown stripe? He was like this when he was born and he is now a few weeks old and it's...
  13. R

    Help please

    My Rouen duck just hatched a single duckling.It has been 2 weeks and the poor baby died today.Will she try to hatch more or will she give up and not try again this year.
  14. R

    My Treatments for Bumblefoot are not working. Are there any alternatives?

    My duck, Honky, has bumblefoot on the soles of both feet. Her left foot has a significant scab on it, but her right has only a small dot. Since August 23rd, I have been soaking her feet twenty minutes at a time, twice daily, in half a gallon of water with one cup of epsom salt, and a few...
  15. Fangeddeer

    Show me your ducklings!

    Hi, I wanna spend my day looking at ducklings bc I miss being a father to mine (they’re 4 mos) So, show me ducklings!
  16. S

    I introduce to you Sir Quackers 🐤

    For all you coffee lovers ☕
  17. Fangeddeer

    Any tips on duck breeding ?

    looking to breed my ducks with other ducks later this year or next year then keep or sale the ducklings. Any tips? I’m completely knew, but I’m mostly interested in breeding hybrids as a start.
  18. Fangeddeer

    Ducks are great teachers.

    Found out that my friendly drake is a great teacher. My rescue needed to learn leash manners (they have a setup for the delta / 30ft rope, leash, one attachment 2 sided leash and a surf board for when they want a break). The rescue was originally not going to have this but she kept going too...
  19. Fangeddeer

    How old is my rescue ? (Female)

    Hello, I rescued this baby as many of y’all know. How old is she? I’m guessing probably old and her owners no longer could use her for eggs or such which is why they dumped her. But I could be wrong
  20. M

    Worming DUCKS - dosage and moulting questions

    Hi - I need to worm my two ducks.. they seem perfectly healthy but I happened to see a huge worm ejected in Bella's poop (long, fat and white, I think a roundworm). I have 1% Flubendazole for them. Not sure of dosage for ducks, can anyone advise, please? I have read a lot of posts here about...
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