
  1. Hykiko

    New babies of the year!

    Our very first baby chick to hatch and live joined us today, we are currently waiting on another baby chick and two ducklings to hatch. This baby chicks mother decided to be mother hen to everyone’s babies, so have to watch and wait to see how this will turn out! This little ones mother is a...
  2. A little Daffy

    Oh no you didn't!!

    Well...Good Friday was the day! Two of my ducks hatched! Six am and 8am. I was completely intrenched and barely took my eyes off the incubator. This was my first time hatching and I was such a nervous wreak about it that I forgot to feed the dogs that morning! I couldn't believe it. No...
  3. Nal0114

    Mom & Baby

    So yesterday my hen hatched her first baby. While I don’t want to interfere with mom’s business the nesting box needs cleaned. How can I go about this without making mom want to walk away from the baby.
  4. ButtonNomies

    New hatch this morning ❤

    Woke up to these 3 beauties ... looks like the printer was low on ink as each one gets a little lighter 😂 Theyve all got yellow wings tho so am I right in thinking they're redbreasted or redbreasted pieds? Or are they Darths? The darkest one is almost black ❤
  5. T

    Saved a duck egg

    Brady and Janet Wolfe . Duckling Name is TripAllen. (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? We are very new to this hatching thing and we saved this egg from getting eaten near our neighborhood pond (2) How many chickens do you have right now? we have one Ducking...
  6. MotherOfCharlie

    4 out of 11 quail hatchlings have wry neck! (I think)?? Is that possible?

    Hello Wise ones .. So, im on my second hatch .. out of 15 eggs, 11 have hatched so far! Which is great! One more is pipping! 4 of these tiny chicks have wry neck, I think .. can that be? It’s Sunday here in Germany, everything is closed .. I have them each separated in small boxes in the...
  7. Artizen Farm

    Hatch day

  8. I

    Brood hatch chick safety

    I have a silkie brooder who stays in the favorite nesting box (1 of 3). She is little and picked on by bigger hens. They will kick her out of the nesting box and lay. As soon as that hen is done, she returns to sit on the eggs. We remove the non-silkie eggs every day and will let her hatch...
  9. Sick Birds? Sav-A-Chick Can Save Lives.

    Sick Birds? Sav-A-Chick Can Save Lives.

    A couple days ago, I posted a thread, desperate to get advice and help regarding my sick ducklings. They were lethargic, could hardly stand or hold their own heads up, and could barely eat. I am proud to say that I found a product that literally saved their lives (and, based on online reviews...
  10. agold23

    I’m a proud first time chicken grandma!

    My silkie BB (Baby Barbara) just had her baby BB3 (Baby Barbara the 3rd) who we call Pheobe, and I am so proud 🥲 I know she did all the work but it is so rewarding to see the little hatchling! Phoebe hatched July 1st or day 18 (I was unaware bantams may hatch earlier than 21 days) and we only...
  11. Hilltop Flock

    Chicks from my first hatch!

    1 week old barnyard mixes. 1&2 are BSL roo and EE hen 3&4 are BSL roo and Blue Rock hen.
  12. urbangardengirl

    Broody hen gets to be a 1st time mama!

    I have 4 hens, all about two years old; two Buff Orpingtons and two Blacked-Barred Rocks. They are all quite sweet and get along great. One of my Orpingtons goes broody very easily and will not be deterred. Last year was my first year experiencing this and with a lot of constant interaction with...
  13. B

    A very successful hatch!

    Say hello to my new baby silkies! We successfully hatched 5 out of 6 eggs (one was still drying in the bator during this photo shoot following an assisted hatch) This was our second attempt this year after losing 8 eggs last time- 6 of which made it to lockdown. Needless to say we are very happy:)
  14. Harmoni

    5 toes???

    Dad is suppose to be a Maran, mom I was told is an EE but suspect OE. One of the 2 babies has 5 toes! Attached is a pic of mom, dad and baby's feet. Maybe a birth defect? The one toe doesn't look right.
  15. W

    Introducing multiple flocks?

    We've gotten ourselves into a big of a pickle. We have 7 adult Saxonys - 6 female, 1 drake - and 2 of them are sitting on a single mega-nest of >20 eggs. We believe the other females have been dropping eggs off in the nest every once in a while, but we quickly candled a dozen before Mama chased...
  16. Trying to figure out what types of roosters i have

    Trying to figure out what types of roosters i have

    I have 3 roosters and I'm not sure what they are. I didn't think it really mattered until one of the eggs I've been incubating hatched today. He was way bigger then anything we were expecting and we're honestly just stumped on what it could be. I've included a picture of the hatchling and all 3...
  17. My Bagurks

    New mom needed some help.

    Hi everyone. My flock is mostly Speckled Sussex who apparently make good mothers. I recently had one get broody and I chose to let her sit and brood with the rest of the flock. I marked eggs and removed any added during the laying process. But I allowed a few days to pass in hopes she would...
  18. Q

    Muscovy breeding

    Couple questions because my internet search is leaving me confused. 1. I think my Cayuga hen mated with my Muscovy by the looks of the foliage. I thought she had mated with the mallard. Will these babies be mules if the Muscovy is the dad? 2. Can Muscovy ducks or any domestic ducks do second...
  19. Sacri

    what to do with the babies??

    We have a broody chicken so I got some fertilized eggs for her to sit on. Since she will be hatching these and they are not coming out of an incubator can I leave them in the coop/pasture with her or do I need to separate? If I need to separate do I bring momma with? Also, They are up in a...
  20. Paintgirl427

    Let’s see those BABY PICS ❤️❤️

    Woke up to this new little bean in the bator this morning ❤️ . Let’s see your babies !!!! 😍😍😍
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