
  1. W

    New Member

    Hi everyone! I just discovered this forum today and I'm excited to be a member! My family moved to our dream home a couple of years ago and chickens were first on the list. We have 20ish chickens, 14 ducks, 4 geese, 17ish quail and 6 guineas. Plus we have 4 dogs, a cat, a salt water fish tank...
  2. mariposarecital

    Hi there!

    My name is Joey! :jumpy I've had a liking for chickens for a while, and recently got to raise some babies. I used to have chickens in the past, but due to noise we got them taken away from us. :hit I am on this forum because I lost a beautiful black Silkie a while ago, and I want to hear about...
  3. lilbuu

    Long Time Lurker becomes First Time Poster!

    1) Are you new to chickens ducks / when did you first get chickens ducks? •Fairly new! I got my first wee 'ling the beginning of June 2022, so nearly hitting that first anniversary! (2) How many chickens ducks do you have right now? •I now have three, though I'm always gawking at ads for more(I...
  4. U

    My Introduction

    Hello all, The wife and I have started a new flock of chickens and while she’s had chickens in the past, this is my first go. There are some questions that she’s not certain about, so I’ve been searching for a resource that can help with the gaps. We started with just 6 hens and they’re about...
  5. sronicker

    Sam Intro Thread!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Sort of … when I was a kid we had chickens (I lived on some acreage in rural Ohio). (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 0 but we’re planning on buying 4-6 depending on city regulations. (3) What breeds do you have? N/A...
  6. Kattzombiee

    Newbie Chicken Mama

    Hello! I am a newbie chicken mama out of NE Florida and I am looking forward to being here! :) Hoping to get a little more insight and knowledge here than my local backyard chickens FB groups have been providing (fingers crossed) I am fairly new to chickens, we were given 2 one-two year old...
  7. Wandering_r0gue

    Brand new Bird Owner

    Hello all, Over the last few monts I have taken the dive I to raising my own birds. Due to location and bylaws, I decided on raising Quail, though chicken would have been my preferred. I have a cage set up in my garage with 3 tiers that are 3'x18"x1', each being about 4.5sqf per. I am just...
  8. oursmallhomestead

    A Little About Us

    Hi, I'm newish to the community. I was part of the group but deleted my Facebook account and only recently found the website. Here's a little about us: We started raising twelve chickens in 2019; four of which turned out to be roosters. We gave three away, initially wanting to keep the...
  9. craig87c

    Yet another person tired of paying supermarket egg prices!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I helped my parents with chickens, but have only gotten the urge to get my own recently. Between supermarket prices and just wanting to get more self sufficient, I think chickens are a great way to get into livestock on a smaller...
  10. H

    New member!

    Hey! I’m Henvolio- get the reference?- I’m a young chicken keeper from North Carolina, U.S.A., I’ve been keeping chickens for around four/five years now, and have known about this website for a while now as well, I just haven’t joined! (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get...
  11. C

    Happy to meet you!

    Hello everyone! My name is Chelsea, and I live in the part of Canada that is further south then some of the US. My family followed our dream and moved to the country 5 years ago, and have been working up the nerve to start raising chickens on our 1.25 acre property ever since. In the meantime, I...
  12. gwells1980


    Hello from Northeastern Kentucky! I am new to the BackYard Chicken family but have been using this resource for quite some time. (Do a search for questions about chickens and BYC pops up a lot thankfully) I currently have 9 chickens but I am giving 4 away to a lady who had her entire flock...
  13. G

    Introduction Post

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I'm fairly new to chickens. I got my first four chicks May 2021. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? Four. The same four mentioned in #1. (3) What breeds do you have? Rhode Island Red (4) What are your favorite aspects of...
  14. Chicken_loverr15

    Hi I joined a while back

    hello! I’m a fellow chicken lover and so far I’ve had 11 chickens. I love all farm animals and I will be getting a duck soon hopefully! My name is Averi and I am glad to join you guys :)
  15. Q

    Quail Person

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I have had quail for a year (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 7 quail (3) What breeds do you have? Coturnix regular and and celadon (4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens? They are so cute 💕...
  16. CountryCuratesWife

    Hi from NC!

    Hello from North Carolina! My family just moved and recently got our backyard bunch of chickens (and ducks) started. I’m excited to finally have a small flock of barred rocks, I’ve always wanted some! I grew up on a farm with a mix of leghorns, Rhode Island Reds, and orphingtons. Until now we...
  17. PolloPollito

    Urban Chicken Run Fun!

    I had worked on some farms in my teen years, but never felt motivated to have backyard chickens, until my friend who had a flock of 6 is moving to Hawaii and asked me to take on her crew. I said yes... begrudgingly... That was March, 2022. Now I'm hooked! My daughter has a cold today and I'm so...
  18. BIG Feathers Farm

    Boyd from Boyds Outdoors

    Hi everyone, - My name is Boyd from Boyds Outdoors. I have my own flock of chickens since I was 12 year old. My coop is the "Overflowing Coop" I have off and on approximately 200-300 chickens. Bantams and regular chicks. I hatch my own eggs together with some hens. Mainly Orpingtons and a couple...
  19. F

    Hi from South Australia, southern suburbs.

    We've had chooks since Nov/Dec 2017, currently have 2 black Australorps and one lavender/white bantam 'not an Aracuna because it has a tail, but it lays blue eggs so???' Favourite part of having hens is their bizarre personalities and the way they look permanently indignant. We're also...
  20. chickentendii

    Greetings Poultry Lovers!

    Hi everyone! I'm Sarah, aka chickentendii! Nice to meet you! I'm from sunny California. :cool: (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I bought my first flock of hens in September 2016 and still have most of them. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have 5...
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