
  1. A

    Chicken poop/medications

    Hello! This is my first time with baby chicks. I bought 4 from my local Tractor Supply a week and a half ago. I have been doing non stop research and found some interesting things about their wastes. Although I got all my chickens at the same time, my 2 black ones seem to be growing a lot slower...
  2. MidlandChicks

    Red stringy poop?

    I apologize ahead of time for the gross picture. It just happened in the moment and hands were sanitized immediately after! One of my Easter egger pullets was acting “off” tonight and went to go roost for bed earlier than any of the others which isn’t like her at all. I just saw this hanging...
  3. R

    coccidiosis or watermelon?

    Should I be worried about this poo? I found it this morning before work. When I got off I scoured the coop and all other turd look healthy/normal. Chicken seem to be acting normal as well. Backyard info....10 birds almost 3 months old, free range most of the day and for the past 24/48 house...
  4. Roos

    Bloody poop - not cocci

    Hello all! I'm Gio, from Brazil, I'm new here. My adopted chick is very lethargic and there's blood in her poop, her avian vets can't figure out what might be wrong so any help would be deeply appreciated. She's around 2-3 months old now, her sisters and brother are absolutely fine, all...
  5. Lilybljm

    Stressful poop

    One of my girls is pooping a very vivid green color. It’s one of three ducks (the only ones staying indoors as the males are especially aggressive toward them this time of year. They are occasionally visited by one male. Other than that, no one goes into the closed in area of the coop and they...
  6. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Please help! Poop solutions

    Hey y’all! Thanks for clicking. 😁 i was hoping I could get you guys help- here is the situation: (NOTE, if you don’t wanna spend five minutes reading through my post, than pleas scroll down to the bottom to get a short version. Thank you!) LONG VERSION We got chickens for tick control. Right...
  7. I


    Something weird just came out of my chicks butt they are 2 weeks and 2 days old I am not home so I can’t check to see what it is I have a video but it won’t let me upload it but I took screenshots. Anyone have any idea?? It looked white like a tiny egg and then she pooped
  8. A

    Poop Question

    Hi there- the past couple of days one of my hens has been pooping a strange color- like a pale caramel. Is this normal or is there something amiss? Thank you! (Trying to post a picture)
  9. Pullety

    Is this a chicken parasite or larvae from something after the fact?

    Hi, warning: gross pictures below. Is this a chicken parasite? I don’t see one that looks like it in my chicken health book. They’re moving a bit. Very small.
  10. V

    Weird poop?

    Hi all - I’ve seen images and infographics but still not sure if this is unusual poop or maybe from extra water with the first heat wave of summer? Or should I be getting some antibiotics or something? Everyone is acting normal. All 6 pullets are backyard mixes. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
  11. creedatticus

    Silkie Chick Dirty Feet

    we have two silkies, and they are about 6 weeks. they walk around in their brooder (soon to be coop!) and they get poop on their feet. the poop is sticky. and shavings get stuck to their feet, and their feet are all matted with poop. is there is a way to clean their feet or stop their feet from...
  12. J

    Hen poop is clear with speckled black spots

    Okay, here's the full story. I have three 6 year old Americana hens, and one of them has water belly, that has been figured out sometime ago. I've had her drained regularly, but this recent time was the first time I did it myself. I noticed she was kind of sluggish so I figured it was time to...
  13. TheBirdBabe

    Please help!

    I have a hen that's had some trouble with laying eggs lately. Today I went to check on them since it's been raining & give them some mash. She was up on a perch by herself with her wings dropped (touching the branch). She is a weird one who will lay ANYWHERE! So I took a second to see if I...
  14. S

    Odd colored poop?

    Hello, I just let my chickens free range yesterday since I was home and today when I went out in the run their poop was all turquoise colored, it has never been this way before, should I be worried about it? Or is it just because they had access to so much extra foliage that it Is normal? TIA!
  15. F

    Yet another (Canada based) de-worming thread! (GROSS PIC WARNING)

    Yet another de-worming thread on this forum, however I would just like to verify the things I've gleaned off of this website as well as ask for help with what I think are severely ill chickens (at least one of them!) So I made a mistake, we saw some "1 year old hens" for sale locally of...
  16. S

    2 week chick poop question

    Hi all, New chicken mama here. I’ve been doing lots of reading here but felt like I wanted to ask for my own reassurance. We got our chicks almost 2 weeks ago (Friday will be 2 weeks). Last night, we noticed two of the four had runny poop and one (Tuck) was pooping a lot. One time she pooped...
  17. W

    Yellow green poop, lethargic, won't eat on own

    Hello, I need any sort of help figuring out what could be wrong with my chicken. Unfortunately, a vet is not an option for me, but I wish you do anything I can to help this chicken survive 1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.)...
  18. Jaxx2

    Weird poop- Possible kidney issue? (Picture)

    My 4 year old wyandotte hen is acting totally normal, eating and drinking normal, running out of the coop each morning. The only thing wrong is her poop is weird. Semi-clear liquid with some solids mixed in. Every once in awhile she'll drop a semi normal one. I just dewormed her with valbazen...
  19. Countryhippie

    My hens have a very dirty butt.

    I have four hens all around 6 1/2 months old. They are all laying eggs completely normally and eating fine. It seems like out of nowhere my hens developed really dirty butts. What could be causing this? And how can I treat it?
  20. J

    Strange Partial Green Poop!

    Hi, I’ve looked through this forum many times before for help, but for this i couldn’t find anything looking similar. @azygous I was wondering if you knew anything about this, It looks as if its in small chunks.Thats all, Thanks.
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