quail chicks

  1. R

    Two baby quails died

    Hi Everyone, I put 6 Courtnix quail eggs into the incubator and all 6 hatched but one died shortly after and the other one died two days later because it was unable to use it’s legs. The first one was nicknamed Chicklet and the second one was called Chickadee.Before Chickadee died I was feeding...
  2. R

    Incubating Quails

    Hi Everyone, This is my first post, but I have been looking at this website for a while. Over here in Australia, I am having a bit of trouble finding a good incubator for 6 eggs that is fully automatic and under $80 . I am a student and my parents are making me pay for it myself. Any...
  3. Patiocoturnix

    What colors are these?

    I know it’s probably still too early to tell what they are but was wondering if anyone on here would be able to. If not I will post weekly pics of them as they grow to figure out coloring. Thanks. If it helps the last 5 pics are the parents. White one is the dad.
  4. BlueHorse17

    Coturnix Quail Chicks - San Jose, CA

    Straight run, four day old variety Coturnix quail chicks. Located in San Jose, CA and they are $5 each.
  5. Aprilxoxo

    Giant quail chick

    Hi i just hatched 2 eggs from regular coturnix quails and one of them had a very bad time trying to get out. She started by pipping on the narrow end and zipping diagonally. She got half way before she couldnt do it anymore so i had to assist her. Only after she was born i realized she was...
  6. L

    How cold can a quail chick survive?

    I have quail chicks and Its around 120 degrees where i am which is why I can’t keep them outside unless at night. my heat lamp broke and i cant get one until tomorrow. My house is around 76 degrees and i keep them in the garage since its a bit cooler and bring them in once in a while. i would...
  7. L

    Quail chicks hatched early. What to do.

    I am incubating coturnix quail and started locking down at day 14 with temperature 100 and 65 humidity. Two eggs have hatched but the others have not hatched. They hatched on 15, its now almost day 17. Its been almost 48 hrs since the first two hatched. How long do i keep chicks in the...
  8. KenjiQuacker

    Hatching quail eggs in a cup?

    Hello, hope you're all having a good day! I've been doing research on hatching eggs without shells using a cup, plastic food wrap, a cotton ball, distilled water, and calcium lactate powder. I think the first people who did it were high school students in japan, or scientists, (not sure who did...
  9. Cattt123

    Poorly quail chick

    Hi all, So I got given this tiny now 3 day old chick yesterday because it was poorly. It had twisting feet which I've dealt with already by splinting and wrapping them. It's also quite wobbly and sleepy. The others were all pecking it ad stepping on it. I think a big problem is when it falls...
  10. Phanata

    Quail chick in the same pen as adults?

    Since I had to sadly giveaway my pet quail pepper because he could’ve killed My female Oak twice my two females feel stressed and aren’t the same so am thinking of getting a new quail chick and I plan on putting that quail in the same pen The second quail (Lilith) is also female sooo is it okay...
  11. O

    Do I have a drafty brooder? Help!

    Yo, this is my first time hatching quail eggs! Can someone tell me if the chicks placement says I have a drafty brooder? Or is it too hot? The chicks are all on the right, against the side of the box. How do I fix this? Is my lamp placement incorrect?
  12. quailkid12345

    Brooding Quail Outside?

    I am going to be starting with quail soon, and I am wondering if anyone has had success brooding them outside? I would be taking care of the chicks, so they would not be in the care of the mother. If anyone has, how did you do it? Unless it is absolutely necessary, I am hoping to not have to...
  13. C

    Quail Chicks not under heat plate

    My quail babies are a week old and I moved them to their bigger cage for a little more space. In the smaller space they would all sleep under the heat plate. In the bigger space all are under the heat plate except for 4 of them are sleeping together in the middle of the cage. I do live in...
  14. M

    How to make starter feed at home

    Hey hi I need suggestions that how can I make starter feed for quails at home for some reason I couldn’t get the starter feed I ordered online but it takes 3 to 4 days more to come up what should I give to them I was thinking 100g bread is 10% protein and 100g rabbit food is 10% protein plus...
  15. C

    One quail chick seems to be bullying another. Should I be worried?

    My 4 quail are 4 weeks old and one of them has been a bit of a bully from day one, but lately it’s gotten worse. They’ve been picking on one in particular and not letting them eat. Chasing them off every time they go near the food. Is this normal or should I separate? I’m guessing two are female...
  16. C

    What are we doing wrong with our chicks?

    Hey everyone! Am new to this forum and made an account in the hopes that someone might be able to help with these issues we've been having with our Japanese quail babies. We're still pretty new to quailing in general and hatched the first chick on Nov 10. The first 2 chicks we got died...
  17. Quailbert Quailington

    Help! Button Quail chick w/ Black toes? Spreading!

    Hello! I'm fairly new to button quail. I have five adults (my male has four girlfriends and they are very happy and adorable together.) I've hatched seven of their eggs, and all are healthy, but today I noticed that one has an issue with their feet. This is my 'noisy' chick, so I'm not sure if...
  18. GinaTheDuck

    Quail hurting their faces on wire

    I just transferred my jumbo coturnix that hatched 4/16 to an outside wire cage the other day and started noticing some blood and couldn’t figure out where it was coming from until I noticed they all seem to be shoving their faces in between the wires and scraping them up! Do you guys have any...
  19. MelissaRose

    Four coturnix quail chicks | Can you tell me the colors?

    Hello all! I just hatched four coturnix quail and I am wondering what breeds they are. When I got the eggs I was told that there were three different kinds of coturnix quail eggs in the box. The man said that there was standard coturnix, tuxedo, and one other that I don't remember. I hatched...
  20. D

    Is TerrAmigo ok for Quail?

    I'm getting some quail chicks later today. Is it healthy to use TerrAmigo for bedding? Edit: The TerrAmigo I have is Natural Pine.
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