
Jul 3, 2020
Since I had to sadly giveaway my pet quail pepper because he could’ve killed My female Oak twice my two females feel stressed and aren’t the same so am thinking of getting a new quail chick and I plan on putting that quail in the same pen The second quail (Lilith) is also female sooo is it okay to put the baby quail chick in the same pen as these two females? Note the baby quails I plan on buying are a few days old
Since I had to sadly giveaway my pet quail pepper because he could’ve killed My female Oak twice my two females feel stressed and aren’t the same so am thinking of getting a new quail chick and I plan on putting that quail in the same pen The second quail (Lilith) is also female sooo is it okay to put the baby quail chick in the same pen as these two females? Note the baby quails I plan on buying are a few days old
maybe get older ones, in my experience, either the adults run from the chicks or the chicks run from the adults. It might work if you have a broody hen, but I would get older ones, maybe about 3-6 weeks old?
Putting chicks that young in with your adults is a bad idea. The adults are likely to kill the chicks either on purpose or on accident. I wouldn't put any birds less than 5 weeks old in with the adults. 6 or 7 weeks old would be better. Be careful when introducing the new birds as well, give them some "see but don't touch" time before integrating them.
Since I had to sadly giveaway my pet quail pepper because he could’ve killed My female Oak twice my two females feel stressed and aren’t the same so am thinking of getting a new quail chick and I plan on putting that quail in the same pen The second quail (Lilith) is also female sooo is it okay to put the baby quail chick in the same pen as these two females? Note the baby quails I plan on buying are a few days old
It just depends. You may want to put them in the pin and see what the females do. If the chicks are a few days old they will need heat. So if the females don't help with that you need to put the chicks in a cage with a heat lamp.

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