sinus infection

  1. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Help! Possible Sinus Canker - Smelly, Blocked Nares

    My 5 y/o RIR hen, Willow, has developed crusty nares over the last few weeks. I thought it was just compacted feed and dirt, and started trying to remove it, but it seems almost to be tissue-like, and today, I've noticed a foul smell developing from the area. I also noticed that she's not as...
  2. C

    Couple chickens have a fluid filled bump on sinus

  3. J

    Sinus infection?

    Hello, any advice on how to treat sinus infections at home? My duck has a vet appointment but not until next Wednesday. Is there anything I can do or buy to help at home? Poor thing 😔
  4. orrlux

    Foamy Eye/Sinus Infection? Please Help!!!

    Good Morning! Yesterday I discovered one of my ducks has a really bad foamy eye. My Drake passed a few months back and since then my female duck has become the favorite to pick on/“mate” with by the other ladies. The back of her neck is nearly bald and, as I just mentioned, has developed a...
  5. Rob Sivulka

    Young leghorn with eye/inflamed sinus

    She's 4 to 5 months old. I noticed this shortly after I got her a couple weeks ago and she was getting pecked by others. I also thought of cleaning out the coop which hadn't been done in quite a while. Lot to clean up! The guy I got her from told me to put warm saltwater in her eye before I...
  6. Greystone farm

    Swollen duckling cheek. Help!

    Hey! :) So as some of you may know my Welsh Harlequin duck, (who turned out to be a drake lol) Charlie, has a swollen face. This started when he was about two weeks old. He's probably around eight weeks now. Over time it got a lot better before flaring up again, and now both sides of his face...
  7. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Swelling Around Eye - Neighbor's Chicken

    One of my neighbor's chickens recently came to me with a bad limp. I took her in to rest in a big dog crate for a few days and she healed beautifully, so I had released her back to her flock. Since then she's been attached to my hip. Sadly, a few days later, I noticed one of her eyes is swollen...
  8. C

    Coryzea/ Sinus infection in eye

    So my barred rock had what a vet thought was coryzea (this vet is family and lives out of state, he diagnosed and help treat via photos and videos). She was on doxycycline which took the abscess away but her eye was still closing a lot. She then went on veraflox (stronger antibiotic), with no...
  9. M

    Baytril dose and type?

    I’m looking at buying baytril (the oral solution) for my hen that has a sinus infection. Should I buy the 10% or the 2.5? and what is the correct dosage? she’s about 10 years old and I’d say around 4-5 pounds
  10. M

    I believe my hen has a respiratory illness

    I have an older hen (10 yrs) and for the past few weeks she has been exhibiting signs of what I would think is a mild respiratory illness or sinus infection (I say mild because she's doing great apart from her symptoms and is very alert and active for her age). Her symptoms include: occasional...
  11. OliveGreen

    Help! Did de-worming cause my Drake’s death?

    Hi everyone, I could really do with some advice. Two weeks ago my lovely little drake Frankie passed away just short of his 12th birthday. He had been getting a bit run down in his last month or two and was looking a little scruffy with a case of wet feather, and then one morning I noticed...
  12. jessmeagan

    What Could Cause This & How Do I Treat It??

    This is my favorite girl and I’m at a complete loss & badly need your opinions or advice!! She was part of a group that was given to us when we started keeping chickens...she survived the loss of her sisters due to illness/tragedy & trained the new girls how to live in the coop & freerange...
  13. I

    My Silkie chiken

    My silkie chicken has a very bad sinus infection. and we didn't notice till we picked her up and saw that both of her eyes were swollen and white stuff coming out with a nasty smell. The pus was in both eyes. The right eye was worse than the left and she hasn't ate or drank we've had to force...
  14. C

    Purple swollen wattles and ear lobe in 2 year old hen (no cold temps)

    I have a 2 year old Rhode Island Red hen that has had purple/gray swollen wattles and left ear lobe for the past couple of days (discoloration is throughout the wattle, and under the beak - accompanied by heat. Flash from camera doesn't show true color ). We live in South Carolina, so no...
  15. AnneInTheBurbs

    Meaties with Sinus Infection, safe to eat?

    My meaties are about 7 weeks old, Colored Broilers. They are currently free ranging and mixed in with my flock. I noticed some sneezing from them a couple of weeks ago, but I didn't hear a lot so I figured it was because they were eating the crumbles so quickly. Now several of them have...
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