
May 14, 2020
I have an older hen (10 yrs) and for the past few weeks she has been exhibiting signs of what I would think is a mild respiratory illness or sinus infection (I say mild because she's doing great apart from her symptoms and is very alert and active for her age). Her symptoms include: occasional sneezing, fluid droplets coming from her nostrils when she shakes her head, slight puffiness around her eyes, and sometimes the corners of her eyes will get foamy. That last one usually coincides with her scratching her face which she's been doing a lot since all this started and sometimes she'll start yawning (?) a lot for about a minute or so.
I've read about VetRX but it sounds like that isn't always helpful and I've looked at baytril as an antibiotic to treat it but I really just don't know what is best to do for her. She is eating and drinking and taking dustbathes and apart from what I described above you wouldn't think anything is wrong. Since she is the last of my flock she's been living inside in a little homemade coop for a while now, so she's safe and warm and there's no risk of infecting other birds.
It does sound like she may have symptoms of a respiratory disease, such as MG. Baytril which is banned in chickens would treat symptoms of MG. If that doesn’t bother you, I would treat her. I would wait to get more chickens until she passes away, since she could pass it along. Once she is gone, waiting about 2 weeks would good to make sure any new birds don’t get sick.

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